SPOILER ALERT!! If you have not seen season 4's mid-season finale, do not continue reading! I am not going to be responsible for ruining it for you. If you are all caught up, then by all means, please continue on.
So Man Friend and I watched the mid-season finale a few days after it aired. We were both a bit anxious and eager, knowing that something big was going to happen. Everyone getting sick and Carol killing two people, thus getting her kicked out, have been the biggest things to happen for a while. Plus, with a big episode, there has to be something very suspenseful. Before the episode started, Man Friend said that he bet someone was going to die and we placed our bets against each other on who we thought it was going to be. I victoriously threw my hands in the air and yelled "THE GOVERNOR!!" But then was like, "Nah. As much as I want him dead, I doubt it will happen. Too many people love to hate him and he always adds something more to the story." Man Friend's bet was for Rick or Herschel. We debated a little and I said there would be no way they'd kill off Rick. He's the face of the show and without him, the prison group won't mean much.
Well. We both ended up right. Man Friend was a little more logical about it. He was upset by the death of Herschel and was even a little quiet after the show saying that he was so mad he was right. He said he felt the same way when they killed off Dale earlier about killing off the good guy/the voice of reason/ a really likable character. I was not exactly as rational. As soon as the governor beheaded him, I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing. I know I cry very easily at fictional events, but this was easily the hardest I have ever cried at something that wasn't real. Because it felt so real. I have such an emotional attachment to these characters that I feel so connected to them. I feel a part of this. Unhealthy or not, there it is. Anyway, here is what I sounded like on and off for a solid half hour, at least. "I hate the governor. I HATE HIM! I hate him so much! I hate this stupid show. I hate the writers of this stupid show. I'm never watching this again. I'm going to leave a flaming pile of dog poop on their front porch. I hate you for making me watch this stupid show. I hate this show. I hate the governor. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL HERSCHEL? Why couldn't it have just been a swift bullet to the head? Why did it have to be so cruel to chop off his head? And his daughters had to watch it! Herschel was SUCH a good character! I hate the governor and this stupid show. I'm so glad the governor is finally dead, but he died too easily. I wish Michonne could have made him a walker. Or poked out his other eye at least. But at least he's dead." Guys, I know that it's "just" a tv show. I know.
One of my favorite parts about the show and the prison crew is how insanely in sync they all are with each other and how much every single one of them has each other's back no matter what. As soon as Herschel died, every single person standing outside the prison started shooting and fighting back for what's theirs and for Herschel. The people inside the prison gathered everyone up and into the bus immediately. One of the most bad ass things, though, was when the young girl, Carol's prodigy so to speak, took control of the other girls. She said that Carol had taught them and they should have guns too. When she started shooting, I thought she was Carl. And threw my arms in the air and yelled "YES!" when I realized it was her. I was so oddly proud of her for that. For listening to Carl. For being so brave. And when Maggie threw Beth's words back at her and said "We don't get to be upset. We all have a job to do." For some reason, that moment between the two sisters was just so powerful to me.
After watching the mid-season finale and somehow calming myself down, we turned to Netflix to watch some older episodes. Since I still have not seen most of season 1 and half of season 2, Man Friend is insistent that I watch all of it for better understanding of the show and the characters' past. We picked up where I left off, which was episode 3 of season 1. Although I do appreciate being able to see how the characters and the show has progressed to what I watch now, it's hard for me to go back in time, essentially, to the start of it all. The worst part was being like, well, she's dead, he's dead, he's dead. All of these people are dead! Why am I watching this now? It was really interesting, and actually kind of comical, to see how the interaction and view of the walkers has changed so much. In the current episodes, the characters take out the walkers with such ease. And they are such badasses about it. Darryl with his bow, Rick and Carl with the guns, especially. They are all such fighters now and so little scares them. One person can take out a slew of walkers in one fell swoop. The episode we were watching, a walker got to the camp and it was the first time one had gotten so close to them. It took four of them, at least, to cut its head off before Darryl finally walked up an explained they have to get them in the brain. It was really amusing seeing them all suck so much at it.
The biggest change I think is the evolution of Carol. Can we please talk about that? I think watching her evolve throughout the seasons in chronological order would have been really cool. Watching her grow to the person she's become would have been so much more awesome knowing how she started. Seeing her go from such an independent, strong, confident and courageous person in season 4 to the weak, terrified person in season 1 was really hard. Painful, in fact. Where we left off with her, she had been kicked out of the group with a car and supplies to be on her own. I'm sure she will come back. I'm almost confident she will come back now that the prison group has split up and will probably save someone. And when she does make a reappearance, I'm sure it'll show that she was sad to leave her prison family and worried to be on her own until she found a new group. But the thing is, she left at Rick's wish. He told her she was strong enough to make it, and she is. She's a survivor and will still live no matter where she is or who she's with. I don't know if season 1 Carol could have done that. If she had been kicked out of the group in the early days, how would she have reacted? Begged for forgiveness and tried to stay at any cost? I watched this frail woman cry over her abusive husband when he got his ass kicked for beating her. It was as if I had just watched a completely different person.
And now, I have to wait another two months to see what's going to happen next. I can't handle this kind of stress. My heart is racing a little just thinking about it.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Stress Relief
In a recent conversation with one of my co-workers, I made the statement "I'm what some people like to call "high strung." I hadn't meant it to be as funny as it apparently was, but she laughed super hard. I'm sure the sentiment would be most appreciated by people who know me best because it is so truthful.
I'm a pretty self-aware person who has accepted and can admit her faults. And one of them is how high strung I am. I am a worry wart. I turn molehills into mountains. I worry about things I can control, but mostly things I cannot. I dwell on things until I am so stressed out I can't even handle myself. Granted, I have had a lot of really high stressors in my life. I've been dealt really shitty cards more often than I would have ever wished upon anyone. But the bigger problem is not what I've overcome, but more so the way I handle what life throws my way. I get myself so worked up and stress and stress until it takes over my life.
Guys, stress is a pretty nasty habit. It screws with so much, your body being at the forefront. It can make you really sick. When I experience super strong emotions, especially anxiety, I throw up. It sucks. But also, stress can actually affect your immune system too. I can't count how many times I have seen people get terrible colds when their stress is at an ultimate high.
It can make you break out. As if being 25 with an acne problem isn't bad enough, throw a stressful few days or week in the mix, and you could mistake me for a local middle or high school student.
It can affect your sleep schedule. I'm prone to poor sleep and nightmares as it is, but when I'm really stressed, it gets worse. I spend the night tossing and turning and the higher my stress level is, the more vivid the nightmares. I wake up so exhausted that I feel like I didn't even sleep. Not to mention, I have to think if the person in my dream really did die. Nightmares get old and fast.
It can really change your personality, and usually for the worse. It has spun me into depressions. I've snapped at people because of the smallest things. Usually it gets taken out on Man Friend, who does nothing but try to help me. Sometimes, in the moment, I say things I don't mean or don't even think it's a problem to say. And then I feel awful. There's no need to snap at someone, especially if they're doing everything they can to be supportive. But I find that the people who are there for you the most are going to be the ones to take the brunt of the pain. A friend, who at the time had been dealing with something I had been as well, told me that her fiance said he didn't even recognize her anymore. That was such a sad thing to hear and made me wonder if my family and friends had been thinking the same about me.
After reading all of this, you must wonder how I manage to even get through life. It took a long time of stress just eating away at me to figure it out. Although it is still an ever-evolving work in progress, I am starting to get a lot better at managing stress and anxiety. I've found some really good relief:
I'm a pretty self-aware person who has accepted and can admit her faults. And one of them is how high strung I am. I am a worry wart. I turn molehills into mountains. I worry about things I can control, but mostly things I cannot. I dwell on things until I am so stressed out I can't even handle myself. Granted, I have had a lot of really high stressors in my life. I've been dealt really shitty cards more often than I would have ever wished upon anyone. But the bigger problem is not what I've overcome, but more so the way I handle what life throws my way. I get myself so worked up and stress and stress until it takes over my life.
Guys, stress is a pretty nasty habit. It screws with so much, your body being at the forefront. It can make you really sick. When I experience super strong emotions, especially anxiety, I throw up. It sucks. But also, stress can actually affect your immune system too. I can't count how many times I have seen people get terrible colds when their stress is at an ultimate high.
It can make you break out. As if being 25 with an acne problem isn't bad enough, throw a stressful few days or week in the mix, and you could mistake me for a local middle or high school student.
It can affect your sleep schedule. I'm prone to poor sleep and nightmares as it is, but when I'm really stressed, it gets worse. I spend the night tossing and turning and the higher my stress level is, the more vivid the nightmares. I wake up so exhausted that I feel like I didn't even sleep. Not to mention, I have to think if the person in my dream really did die. Nightmares get old and fast.
It can really change your personality, and usually for the worse. It has spun me into depressions. I've snapped at people because of the smallest things. Usually it gets taken out on Man Friend, who does nothing but try to help me. Sometimes, in the moment, I say things I don't mean or don't even think it's a problem to say. And then I feel awful. There's no need to snap at someone, especially if they're doing everything they can to be supportive. But I find that the people who are there for you the most are going to be the ones to take the brunt of the pain. A friend, who at the time had been dealing with something I had been as well, told me that her fiance said he didn't even recognize her anymore. That was such a sad thing to hear and made me wonder if my family and friends had been thinking the same about me.
After reading all of this, you must wonder how I manage to even get through life. It took a long time of stress just eating away at me to figure it out. Although it is still an ever-evolving work in progress, I am starting to get a lot better at managing stress and anxiety. I've found some really good relief:
- Go for a long walk. Grabbing your favorite music to jam to doesn't hurt either. Without any distractions around, it's a great way to collect yourself and get all your thoughts together. My walks usually start out worrisome and over-analyzing everything. However, after a while, the circulation starts going and I start calming myself down. By the time I'm ready to go home, I usually have worked my thoughts into a 180 and I've come up with solutions for whatever I need to.
- Cook or bake. Just under two years ago, I started teaching myself how to cook. I quickly found that I really enjoyed it. One of the reasons was how much stress relief it provides. Cooking and baking takes a lot of concentration and focus. If you're not paying attention, especially to a new recipe that you need instructions for, you're going to fuck it up some way or another. If you're not careful with knives, blades, heat or open flame, you're going to hurt yourself. Throwing all your energy into focusing on one things gets your mind off your troubles quickly. Plus, if you're a stress eater, you can make a really healthy meal that you feel good about eating. Added bonus: you can always share the meal with someone and have a nice conversation with over food.
Lavender is my favorite scent to add to a hot bath. How
can you be upset after inhaling such a soothing and
relaxing fragrance?
- Take a long, hot bath. It will calm your muscles and you will start to relax. Adding aromatherapy or soothing bath salts to the water will help too. Also, bring a good book with to get your mind off your anxiety. Make sure it's something you're really interested in or your mind will wander. Even if you're not a big reader, bring in a niche magazine dedicated to something you enjoy like cooking, music, cars or electronics. And if a glass of wine happens to follow you into the bathroom and find itself next to the tub, you won't see me judging.
- Work out. Not only is this yet another way to take your mind away from dwelling by focusing on one thing, it releases endorphins. Endorphins are a natural mood booster that your body is kind enough to provide. And in the words of Elle Woods, "Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't."
- Get a massage. I know that often times massages are something of luxury. And when money is a factor in your stress level, it's hard to justify some pampering. Sometimes a day at a spa can really do wonders, but it doesn't need to be extravagant. You can go to a massage school for a really cheap price and the students who work on you are already very experienced. There are also options like Groupon and sales to watch for to get a really cheap rate. Massages are not only relaxing, but can really melt a lot of worry away. They are also great for improving circulation, helping with chronic muscle aches and pain, improving sleep quality, and boosting moods. Hmm, sounds like a lot of what stress triggers.
- Bitch. Seriously, you need to bitch. Call up a friend or hang out together and just rant away. A huge factor in stress for a lot of people, myself included, is that it's hard to talk about your emotions. When you don't talk about what's bothering you, it just festers inside you. It gets bottled up until the tiniest thing pushes you over the edge and you blow up. There was one time in high school, at the prime of me not talking about anything, that I had really been dealing with a lot. I slept over at a friend's house and my mom was awesome enough to bring me an overnight bag. She forgot to pack my socks and birth control. During any ordinary circumstance, it wouldn't have been a big deal. I could have borrowed socks from my friend and taken my pill right away the next morning. But because I had been bottling up so much, I lost it and started bawling. It became known as the infamous Socks and Birth Control moment. Don't let a Socks and Birth Control moment happen to you.
- Go on humor websites. Scroll through the humor section on Pinterest or go on Buzzfeed. Watch stupid YouTube videos. The longer you laugh, the better you'll feel. Soon enough, you'll forget what was upsetting you. It may mean wasting a few hours of your life watching videos of children doing stupid things or reading countless some e-cards, but it's worth it.
- Volunteer. Giving back to your community and helping others, especially those in need, is such an incredible and powerful feeling. Knowing that you made someone else's day a little better or easier is a great way to lift your spirits. It might help you re-evaluate your concerns and perhaps they won't seem so bad anymore. If for nothing else, smiles are contagious. And being around everyone smiling for a short time will at least get you to smile for a few hours.
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Best Two Weeks Ever
You guys. I have been dying to tell you about the great happenings in the last few weeks. And now that everything I had been waiting for has happened, I can share. I've had some of the best weekends I've had in quite some time and I couldn't have been happier. Welp, there was one breakdown. But more on that later.
Friday, October 18th, 2013:
Ok, so I know I didn't need to include the year in there. I assume you guys are smart enough to figure it out. But it makes me feel so "MTV's Diary" with it in. So it stays.
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Big-Little temporary tattoos |
It was a rainy night, and luckily it was mostly just misty. However, after about an hour and a half, it started picking up and we were getting really soggy. We trekked inside for some Halloween arts and crafts and got temporary tattoos together. Little seemed to really enjoy herself and told me before we were even back to my car that she wanted to come back next year too. Can't argue with that.
The only thing I wished could have been different was how many things were geared towards really little kids. Little played a few games that worked for older kids and a few that did not. I could tell she realized she was a little too old for some of them after she started playing. Others we just by-passed. So, Friend-Who-Will-Be-In-Charge-Next-Year, if you're reading this, please consider my small suggestion.
Saturday, October 19th, 2013:
Volunteering for Halloween at the Y:
This was my third year volunteering and it's one of my favorite things to participate in with the Y. One of the best parts about the event is that there are so many different kids, and kids of all ages. They are all so excited to be there, whether they are barely walking or entering into their pre-teen years. I love interacting with all of them and watching how excited they are to play games.
I've done all my volunteering through the West Side Y, but with all the plans I had Halloween weekend, I couldn't make it. I thought I would have to miss it, but luckily, the Broadview location in DePere had their event the weekend before. I was nervous to not know anyone there and not be familiar with my surroundings, but I dragged my sister along so she could get high school community service hours and decided to make the most of it. The last two years I was placed in the carnival games section: the most fun and exciting part, in my opinion. I pretty much got to choose whichever game I wanted to be at. Mostly because I've always gotten there early, and because most of the staff knows or recognizes me with all the other volunteering I do. As a new face with this location, I didn't get my first pick. Sister and I were placed at the Rainbow Rompers. It's basically an obstacle course made of mats and slides for toddlers. We were both kind of bummed at first to not be at a cooler station, but at least we were paired together. It ended up being pretty fun and we all know that the tiniest costumes are always the cutest. Toddlers certainly are adorable. Mom, if you're reading this, calm down. I'm sure your "Monica needs to have a baby" sensors are flashing and buzzing but it's not happening.
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Halloween selfie before going to the Y |
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013:
I had the nicest surprise from one of my best friends who moved away. Remember my See You Later Letter? Yeah, that one. Anyway, she was in town for a few days, but I thought we would only be able to see each other on Saturday. However, some of her plans got done early and we got to hang out together for a while. We just sat around, eating junk food and chatting. Even before her move, it had been a really long time that just the two of us could sit together and talk. It was so relaxing and relieving to have some much-needed girl talk. When Man Friend came home from work, we all caught up on the season premiere of the Walking Dead. It was almost like old times, minus one person. I didn't realize how much I needed that until it happened.
Friday, October 25th, 2013:
This was the second-best day of them all! I was in such a great mood all day, even while at work, just in anticipation of what the evening would bring. I got the afternoon for e-mail time, which meant throwing my earbuds in, jamming to some music, hammering out consume e-mails and most importantly, not being on phones. One of my managers saw a post I had on the Book of Faces and tried playing a trick on me that I'd have to go on the phones instead of e-mail time, but I dodged that one.
Eight hours flew by and I headed home in record time. Or at least it felt like it. I headed to my Grandma's for a little family get together. My mom was in town for my not-so-baby sister's 16th birthday party and wanted to see the extended family since she won't be home until Christmas. Sometimes, we all get at each other's throats and often times at least someone is upset by the end of the night. But it was really a lot of fun. We all got to catch up and truly enjoy each other's company. We gorged on pizza, snacks and beer (of course). It was such a refreshing time and nice to get together without the hectic busy-ness that holidays can bring. I got to show Mom my pictures with my Little and tell her a lot about our adventures together. We text, call and Facebook each other often enough, but having a full conversation in person is just so much different.
After Grandma's wrapped up, the second half of the night began. Man Friend and I had my whole "high school" crowd over. Out of the five of them, four have moved out of town or state in the last year. It's been so incredibly hard for me having them all so far away after basically growing up together. But being together in an apartment, shouting, drinking and laughing on a Friday night was like not a single thing had changed. When we were all together again, it was as if not one tiny day had passed. It's amazing to have such a close group of friends that we can all fall right back into place after months of being hours and hours apart. I'm almost entirely certain that our neighbors hated us that night, if they already don't. But oh well.
Saturday, October 26th, 2013:
Ok, here it is. The best day of the weekend. It started off mildly stressful trying to find Man Friend a Halloween costume. I ordered ours online this year, which put us in very dangerous territory. I hoped harder than I had ever hoped that they would arrive on time and would fit. I tried mine on right away, and by some miracle, it fit perfectly. Relief! Man Friend, however, did not try his on until two days before we were scheduled for going out. This drove me up a frickin wall. Between my very strong love for Halloween and control-freak tendencies, I need everything to be done and figured out a million years in advance. When they're not, I panic a little. Maybe a lot, but who's counting? Anyway, we ended up finding a different costume and luckily for my sanity and Man Friend's safety, it only took two stores. And he actually liked it more than the first one anyway. I considered it a success.
My mom had rented one of the Packers party houses for the weekend for Sister's birthday party and used it instead of a hotel. The house was just gorgeous and perfectly set up for parties/tailgating. Go figure. I went there in the afternoon to help Sister set up for the party and for her to curl my hair for my costume. Since I got there later than I had anticipated, "set up" meant that I placed plastic pumpkins all over the house as part of the decorations. And then I sat down for an hour for my sister to make me beautiful. Pumpkin-placing was a lot of work. I needed a break, ok? Well, my hair turned out awesomely. I was so in love with the job she did. I also had a hole around me in the ozone layer from all the hairspray I had on my head. Sorry, tree huggers.
The whole friend crowd got together for dinner at St. Brennan's that evening. If you haven't been there yet and you're in the area, I highly recommend it. I've only been twice, but have not been disappointed. Great service, drinks and food. It's a nice change from the kind of restaurant and atmosphere that Man Friend and I usually do for our date nights. I don't think I ever laugh as hard as I do when I'm with them. I'm sure the surrounding tables were rather annoyed with us, but not one of us cared a single bit. After dinner we tried to carry on the tradition of a group picture in the restaurant. We were failing miserably with the set-timer on my camera when a stranger walked by and offered to take some for us. He was very patient with our "just one more!"s and "Ok, now a funny one!"s. Then, much to my surprise, Dad and some of his family walked in the door. They had just gone to see a show and were grabbing post-show drinks.
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This. This is why other patrons hate us. |
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Here's our "just one more." |
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And the one that came after Just One More |
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Grumpy cowboy is grumpy. |
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I'm not sure if this is much better |
Remember how I said earlier that a meltdown happened? Well, guys. This is it. As we were saying goodbye, I was ambushed by my own emotions and lost it. I mean full-blown hot mess lost it. And no, I was not emotional drunk. Just really emotional. My cousin told me I need to stop going to XS because I'm going to start having really bad associations with the place. I had no idea that saying goodbye was going to be so hard. I had already seen them (minus one) one time each this summer and had to say bye then. I would have thought those byes would have been the hardest with them being the first ones since all the moves. Nope. Not even close. Standing in that parking lot, with my longest-run of friendships, it was like they were all moving all over again. Only this time instead of being staggered in February, April and May, it was all of them together. Even just a short weekend together felt like we were back together like it used to be. It's really embarrassing how much I've cried in that parking lot. I fucking bawlled the entire time we said our goodbyes and almost the entire way home.
Sunday, October 27th, 2013:
After a crazy two nights, Sunday was pretty relaxing. Well, what I had of Sunday. I slept half my day away and didn't get up until noon. Man Friend, Former Roomie and another one of my friends who moved went to Hu Hot and stuffed ourselves to the point of being uncomfortable. The restaurant has been such a go-to for us though out the years and is one of the few things everyone who has moved away can agree on that they miss about Green Bay.
I got to have some nice family time with both my mom and dad. Not together. Don't be silly. Man Friend and I stopped over by my dad's to pick up my car from the night before. Dad was making his delicious chili that I wanted to eat every last ounce of. He told me some horror stories about the duplexes he is a landlord to. His tenants were awful people who caused thousands and thousands of dollars of damage. I had known it was really bad, but didn't know the full extent of it until then. People are fucking disgusting and have zero respect for anything.
Since my mom still had the Packers party house, I went there for the game. Mom and I got to chat some more, and we hung out with some of her friends and her man friend's family. It was such a great place to watch a game. The only bad thing was how late of a game it was. I have zero desire for late games. Bring on the Nooners! Really, day drinking for games is so much better.
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Yes. I am the shortest. |
Thursday, October 31st, 2013:
Even though I had already celebrated Halloween, the greatest holiday of the year, three times already, nothing beats the actual day of. We had trick or treating at the office and for the first time since childhood, I got a stomachache from too many sweets. I didn't even make it to the whole department. When people bring in doughnuts, muffins, cookies and mini cheesecakes in addition to candy, I'm going to eat it all. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
I got to go with a friend and her daughter on a very soggy trick or treating adventure. Although the friend and I have been very close since the 4th grade, we had a little bit of a rough patch for about a year. I'm just grateful that things are slowly but surely turning around. Nearly losing a life-time friendship was tough, but I'm glad things are turning up. Her daughter is one of the cutest damn kids I've ever met in my life and I've been attached to her since the day she was born. I didn't know it was possible to love a child who isn't family so much until she came around. I've gone trick or treating with them three years now, and even though I was soggy and cold by the end of the night, I couldn't have asked for a better night.
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The two best witches in town...even though her tights and hat were ditched the second we got in the house. |
I know this was super long. If you're still reading, I thank you. I am just so excited to share my happiness with all of you!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
How to Road Rage
For those of you who have not had the pleasure of driving with me, I'll share a little secret. I have a teensy road rage problem. I pretty much hate everyone else on the road. Especially on Highway 41. I never realized how many awful and stupid drivers there really were until I started my commute to Neenah every day. Mornings aren't the worst, but 4:30 in the afternoon is nearly unbearable. Pair that with a home Packers pre-season game on a Friday and it's officially the worst driving situation possible. There have been times with these games plus normal Friday rush hour traffic that it took me at least an hour and fifteen minutes to complete my normally thirty minute drive. I would be better off walking home. In fact, my anxiety level would probably make that the better decision.
Since I have developed a pretty strong road rage background, I have decided to share it with you so that you too can be a successful road-rager.
Since I have developed a pretty strong road rage background, I have decided to share it with you so that you too can be a successful road-rager.
- Firstly, you need to yell a lot. I really mean a lot. Use your outdoor voice.
- Use plenty of swear words. Now is a good time to make some new ones up too.
- Flip people off when they do something really stupid, but mainly when they put you in danger. Good examples are when someone very closely cuts you off or nearly hits you. I use this one sparingly so when I really need it, it's extra satisfying.
- Honk. Really lay on that horn. This is only useful if you have a nice, robust horn. Carly's Cobalt horn does not do much justice for this.
- Ride someone's ass if they're going below the speed limit. Get mad if someone rides yours. Especially when you're already going 10 mph over.
- Wave your arms around to emphasize your point.
- Keep up exactly with the car next to you when you can see some asshole in your rear view mirror weaving in and out of traffic. Don't let him pass! This particular move is the most satisfying when you make eye contact with the driver you are next to and you both have a silent moment of understanding. This, my friends, is called team work.
While you're doing so much yelling, you may run out of things to shout. Don't worry, I've got you covered. Here are some of my favorites.
- What the fuck are you doing?!
- What. The. Fuck.
- Did that seriously just happen?
- Learn to frickin drive!
- The speed limit is SIXTY FIVE!
- It's only 55 in a construction zone!
- Oh shit, is that a cop? No. Phew. Shit. THAT'S a cop.
- I hope you get pulled over! Where's the cop when you need him/her?
- Fucking GO!
- Get off my ass!
- What do you think you're doing, Ass Face?
- I don't think so!
- Why are we breaking? Why. Are. We. Breaking.
- I can't go any faster with a car in front of me, buddy!
- The fast lane is wide open. Pass me or back off!
- Are you kidding me?
- Would you look where you're going?
- Your bumper sticker is stupid. You're a fucking idiot.
- Lets go [insert name of Vanity plate here]!
- Don't flick your cigarette out by my car!
- Guess that car doesn't come equipped with blinkers!
- Nice blinker, Asshole!
- MOVE! I need to get over!
- It's called getting over so people can merge from the on ramp!
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This should feel relatable after your drive. |
Saturday, October 5, 2013
What is Love?
Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me, no more.
Ok, sorry. I needed to get that out of my system.
But really, what is love? It is such a universal feeling, yet one of the most unique emotions one could ever experience. The feeling of love is entirely different for every single person, yet remarkably the same worldwide. If love is such a universal emotion, why is it so hard to describe? Because, to quote Michelle from American Wedding, Love isn't just a feeling. Love is something you do.
As I crawled into bed next to my already-sleeping man friend tonight, about two minutes before I was overcome with this strong urge to write about this very moment, I thought to myself, and this is exactly what love means. Even in his sleep, he lifted his arm up and shifted so I could curl up next to him in my special spot and wrap myself around him. This feeling, this indescribable feeling, is how I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.
But aside from this quintessential moment, love is:
Ok, sorry. I needed to get that out of my system.
But really, what is love? It is such a universal feeling, yet one of the most unique emotions one could ever experience. The feeling of love is entirely different for every single person, yet remarkably the same worldwide. If love is such a universal emotion, why is it so hard to describe? Because, to quote Michelle from American Wedding, Love isn't just a feeling. Love is something you do.
As I crawled into bed next to my already-sleeping man friend tonight, about two minutes before I was overcome with this strong urge to write about this very moment, I thought to myself, and this is exactly what love means. Even in his sleep, he lifted his arm up and shifted so I could curl up next to him in my special spot and wrap myself around him. This feeling, this indescribable feeling, is how I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.
But aside from this quintessential moment, love is:
- When my man friend can make me laugh every single day. Even when I'm mad at him, he makes me
laugh. Sometimes just the dumbest things have me rolling in laughter, but it doesn't matter.
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The caption for this on Facebook was "As long as you make me laugh every day, I think I can keep you." Seems fitting enough. |
- Genuinely enjoying each other's company. A friend of mine once saw an older couple in a bar having a lot of fun together. She asked if they were married. They said yes, and it had been for many years. She told them she was so surprised and thought they were having an affair because they seemed they were so genuinely enjoying each other's company. I can only hope I will get the same experience.
- Walking in the door to dinner ready and on table, and suddenly, forgetting about the awful day you just had.
- Being able to call each other rotten names in jest without being offended, but knowing to never ever call each other names in seriousness or when fighting.
- Being wrapped in a giant bear hug, and suddenly, anything you were upset about melts away.
- Not ordering mushrooms on my pizza because even though I love them, Man Friend can't stand the thought of them.
- Being each other's best friend, being able to tell each other anything and coming to each other when you need to talk.
- Making Man Friend a big breakfast, complete with heart-shaped bacon.
- When Man Friend pauses or mutes his video game to talk to me.
- Going on vacation together and not wanting to kill each other after spending every minute together for days.
- Not getting the STD tests during your physical because you don't even have to question if your partner has been faithful.
- When Man Friend helps my little sister with her biology homework.
- Encouraging each other and believing in each other more than you believe in yourself.
- When Man Friend gives me the bowl and spoon to lick the brownie batter instead of keeping it for himself. And then knowing me well enough to know that "Aww fuck." means that I just spilled batter all over my clothes and replying with "This is why we can't have nice things."
- Making each other Christmas gifts and putting a lot of thought and effort into the gift.
- When Man Friend fixed my fried computer, and assured me through my sobbing fits that everything was not lost.
- When I proofread Man Friend's assignment because "I broke a computer, so he fixed it. He broke a paragraph, so I fixed it."
- I live with and tolerate Man Friend's cat. That should get me extra points, actually.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Touring Lambeau
Saturday Little and I attended one of the coolest Match activities we've done to date: toured Lambeau Field! I can't even begin to explain what great experience it was, but I'm going to try.
First of all, what Packers fan doesn't want to tour Lambeau? For that matter, for any fan to tour their team's stadium and facilities. I felt like a kid in a candy shop being the workplace of my favorite players and seeing all the behind the scenes details. I had no idea how much really went into their team and it was a great learning experience.
Our tour guide was Tim Terry, a former linebacker for Seattle who now works for Pro Personnel for the Packers. What a genuinely good guy! Before starting the tour, he introduced himself to the group and shook everyone's hand, Bigs and Littles alike, said nice to meet you and asked our names. If he didn't tell us that he was a former football player, I still could have easily guessed. He is a giant. Ok, everyone is a giant when you're 5'2", but for real, he's a big guy. When he shook my hand, his hand enveloped mine and my wrist. He led the whole tour with enthusiasm, knowledge and pride. Even if I wasn't a Packers fan, I'm sure I would have enjoyed walking around listening to him talk, learning all kinds of new things.
Throughout the tour, we got to see the weight room, cafeteria, the room with the Super Bowl trophies, the training room, one of the film rooms, their hot tub/cold tub area, the press conference room, meeting rooms, the mail area, the game day tunnel, the locker room and the field. One of the coolest parts of the tour was learning about the team's history. Tim made it a point to say how much the team's history is such an integral part of the team and franchise. He said they make sure that new players know about the history so they can appreciate the team more, but also make a strong connection with the past and the present.
Little's favorite part was getting to stand in front of Clay Matthew's locker. Matthews is her favorite player and she looked like she was ready to pee her pants. No worries kid, I was there myself. Seeing the team's lockers with the uniforms they wear on game day was super cool. Athletes are huge celebrities and in a small-ish town like Green Bay, the celebrity-dom is even bigger. Without the Packers, GB wouldn't have much, and those guys get near-idol status.
I think my favorite part was walking through the tunnel. If there was one part of the tour that we really got to experience what the players do, that was it. Tim played pre-recorded cheers to really give the vibe, followed by an announcer asking the fans to welcome "your 13-time World Champions" and the door flying up. It was so exciting walking out to an empty stadium, just knowing that's what they do every week. What an adrenaline rush that must be! I seriously cannot even fathom the amount of excitement and energy the players have in those seconds as they run through the tunnel and out onto the field.
At the end of the tour, we met in a meeting room with two other men from the Pro Scouting team. Each man talked about their experience working for the Packers and gave inspirational and motivational advice for the Littles. I can only hope those kids understood what an impact that was and how meaningful their talks were. They talked about following your dreams and appreciating any kind of interaction you can have. They encouraged the kids to talk to someone at school they may not usually hang out with because you never know what kind of impact it will make on you or the other person. They all said how much they loved their jobs and that they never come to work stressed and never dread going into work. I thought that was such an incredibly powerful message. Is there any greater example of showing those kids to never settle for anything less than what makes you happy? One of the guys also told us how he was part of Big Brothers Big Sisters as a child. Those kids could look at him, see that he came from possibly a similar situation to them and now he works for his favorite team in the NFL. Although he said he wasn't much of a talker, he gave the best line I could imagine. He told the kids "You've got a lot of mistakes ahead of you, but you're going to do a lot of great things." They then got some real interaction with each of the Littles by going around and asking what each of them wanted to be when they grew up.
Needless to say, my Saturday morning was well spent. I can only hope Little had as much fun as I did.
First of all, what Packers fan doesn't want to tour Lambeau? For that matter, for any fan to tour their team's stadium and facilities. I felt like a kid in a candy shop being the workplace of my favorite players and seeing all the behind the scenes details. I had no idea how much really went into their team and it was a great learning experience.
Our tour guide was Tim Terry, a former linebacker for Seattle who now works for Pro Personnel for the Packers. What a genuinely good guy! Before starting the tour, he introduced himself to the group and shook everyone's hand, Bigs and Littles alike, said nice to meet you and asked our names. If he didn't tell us that he was a former football player, I still could have easily guessed. He is a giant. Ok, everyone is a giant when you're 5'2", but for real, he's a big guy. When he shook my hand, his hand enveloped mine and my wrist. He led the whole tour with enthusiasm, knowledge and pride. Even if I wasn't a Packers fan, I'm sure I would have enjoyed walking around listening to him talk, learning all kinds of new things.
Throughout the tour, we got to see the weight room, cafeteria, the room with the Super Bowl trophies, the training room, one of the film rooms, their hot tub/cold tub area, the press conference room, meeting rooms, the mail area, the game day tunnel, the locker room and the field. One of the coolest parts of the tour was learning about the team's history. Tim made it a point to say how much the team's history is such an integral part of the team and franchise. He said they make sure that new players know about the history so they can appreciate the team more, but also make a strong connection with the past and the present.
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Trophies |
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Workout room |
Little's favorite part was getting to stand in front of Clay Matthew's locker. Matthews is her favorite player and she looked like she was ready to pee her pants. No worries kid, I was there myself. Seeing the team's lockers with the uniforms they wear on game day was super cool. Athletes are huge celebrities and in a small-ish town like Green Bay, the celebrity-dom is even bigger. Without the Packers, GB wouldn't have much, and those guys get near-idol status.
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Since I ca't post the picture of her in front of the locker, this is the next best thing. The receiving line's lockers. |
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The tunnel looking from the outside. |
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These stands are jam-packed game days. |
At the end of the tour, we met in a meeting room with two other men from the Pro Scouting team. Each man talked about their experience working for the Packers and gave inspirational and motivational advice for the Littles. I can only hope those kids understood what an impact that was and how meaningful their talks were. They talked about following your dreams and appreciating any kind of interaction you can have. They encouraged the kids to talk to someone at school they may not usually hang out with because you never know what kind of impact it will make on you or the other person. They all said how much they loved their jobs and that they never come to work stressed and never dread going into work. I thought that was such an incredibly powerful message. Is there any greater example of showing those kids to never settle for anything less than what makes you happy? One of the guys also told us how he was part of Big Brothers Big Sisters as a child. Those kids could look at him, see that he came from possibly a similar situation to them and now he works for his favorite team in the NFL. Although he said he wasn't much of a talker, he gave the best line I could imagine. He told the kids "You've got a lot of mistakes ahead of you, but you're going to do a lot of great things." They then got some real interaction with each of the Littles by going around and asking what each of them wanted to be when they grew up.
Needless to say, my Saturday morning was well spent. I can only hope Little had as much fun as I did.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Kathy Griffin Show
On Thursday, my sister and I saw Kathy Griffin live at the Weidner Center. Kathy is one of my favorite comedians, if not, the favorite. I had not seen her live before and was super excited to go.
The only downfall to the night was that they didn't have a screen up behind her like most concerts/shows I've been to. Our seats were pretty high up, so we couldn't really see her face that well. But we could still see her, and more importantly, hear her.
The two reasons I love Kathy so much are that she is so honest and super vulgar. As someone whose favorite word is "fuck," I can absolutely appreciate a person who has created their livelihood around this word and other vulgarities. She tells everything just like it is with zero filter. She doesn't embarrass easily and turns otherwise shameful moments into bits to make her audience laugh. Anyone who has the first televised pap smear sure has a lot of ovaries and that is something I respect. Thursday's show was not much different. She did a couple of bits that were, as she called them, "shame based."
If there is anyone I love more than Kathy, it is dear Maggie Griffin. Kathy's "93 year-old alcoholic mother." Kathy's impressions of Maggie are so hilarious they leave me rolling with laughter every time I hear them. During her show, Kathy told us Maggie's reaction to Miley Cyrus's VMA performance, her objections to moving into an assisted-living condo and, naturally, her warnings to Kathy to behave in Green Bay. "Behaving" to dear old Maggie meant not swearing on stage, not disrespecting the Church and not giving the Griffins a bad name. Not one of these things happened and it was brilliant. I laughed at all of Kathy's punchlines, but I think I laughed the hardest at the Maggie jokes.
If there is another thing that makes Kathy such a great comedian, it's that she has a ridiculous amount of energy. She brings so much energy and enthusiasm during her entire show, from the moment she runs on the stage to the moment she runs off. If you haven't watched one of her shows on tv or live, I mean literally running back and forth. I am half her age and just the thought of that makes me tired. Needless to say, I am not a runner. With such strong enthusiasm, the audience stays entertained and engaged throughout the whole show. You can tell she loves every moment of what she does and truly enjoys being on stage performing.
Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful night. Go watch some Kathy videos on YouTube.
The only downfall to the night was that they didn't have a screen up behind her like most concerts/shows I've been to. Our seats were pretty high up, so we couldn't really see her face that well. But we could still see her, and more importantly, hear her.
The two reasons I love Kathy so much are that she is so honest and super vulgar. As someone whose favorite word is "fuck," I can absolutely appreciate a person who has created their livelihood around this word and other vulgarities. She tells everything just like it is with zero filter. She doesn't embarrass easily and turns otherwise shameful moments into bits to make her audience laugh. Anyone who has the first televised pap smear sure has a lot of ovaries and that is something I respect. Thursday's show was not much different. She did a couple of bits that were, as she called them, "shame based."
If there is anyone I love more than Kathy, it is dear Maggie Griffin. Kathy's "93 year-old alcoholic mother." Kathy's impressions of Maggie are so hilarious they leave me rolling with laughter every time I hear them. During her show, Kathy told us Maggie's reaction to Miley Cyrus's VMA performance, her objections to moving into an assisted-living condo and, naturally, her warnings to Kathy to behave in Green Bay. "Behaving" to dear old Maggie meant not swearing on stage, not disrespecting the Church and not giving the Griffins a bad name. Not one of these things happened and it was brilliant. I laughed at all of Kathy's punchlines, but I think I laughed the hardest at the Maggie jokes.
If there is another thing that makes Kathy such a great comedian, it's that she has a ridiculous amount of energy. She brings so much energy and enthusiasm during her entire show, from the moment she runs on the stage to the moment she runs off. If you haven't watched one of her shows on tv or live, I mean literally running back and forth. I am half her age and just the thought of that makes me tired. Needless to say, I am not a runner. With such strong enthusiasm, the audience stays entertained and engaged throughout the whole show. You can tell she loves every moment of what she does and truly enjoys being on stage performing.
Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful night. Go watch some Kathy videos on YouTube.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sucky and Super Monday
It's been quite some time since writing one of these, so let's recap, shall we?
- My bodily ailments have been flaring up like nobody's business.
- My allergies have been the worst I can ever remember all summer long. I've had to spend countless gorgeous days locked up inside with the air on instead of being able to enjoy the outdoors. I have never wanted to scoop my eyeballs out of their sockets or rub my nose off so bad in my life.
- My back hurts so damn bad I don't even know what to do anymore.
- My stupid leg just won't let up. I was camping Labor Day weekend, just minding my own business when Mr. Painful McAss Face Leg decided "hey let's totally interrupt her perfectly good weekend and cause her a sudden, excruciating amount of pain." In the middle of everyone, I just started bawling uncontrollably. How embarrassing.
- Recently, there has been some passive-aggressive tension among some people very close to me. It's just fucking stupid. I'm sure it will eventually blow over, but until it does, there is unnecessary drama, finger-pointing and hurt feelings.
- I got a surprise visit from Former Roomie! I had absolutely no idea he was coming in to town and was told to wait at home for a package when he just showed up at my apartment. It was the greatest surprise I could ask for and we got to hang out twice while he was home. We ate at Margarita's one night, which still manages to be our go-to restaurant. His last night in town we hung out at my and Man Friend's place watching a Packers pre-season game, drinking and watching stupid YouTube videos. It's amazing how you don't see each other for six months and you can pick up right where you left off as if a day didn't go by.
- The same week, I got to see my favorite munchkin two separate days. I love the kid so much and like to think of myself as a surrogate auntie. We had so much fun playing, she and Man Friend got to meet, and I also got to catch up with her grandma, my Mom Friend. She decided she loved Man Friend right away because he let her climb all over him.
- Little and I attended our first BBBS Match event. There was a picnic for any Green Bay matches who would like to attend. It was super cool getting to interact with other matches and see how many people were part of the program. Also, I had no idea there were so many people in their 40s, 50s and 60s who were Bigs. I was really impressed by that. After we ate (Little's idea of dinner consisted of half her scoop of pasta salad, three cookies and a handful of pickles), we chalked, played balloon toss, got her face painted and then joined in the Bigs Vs. Littles softball game. Little kept saying "The Littles are gunna kick the Bigs' butts!" To which I had to be honest and say "Yes, I'm sure that is accurate." And sure as shit, she was right.
There's something so powerful and therapeutic
about a balloon release. - I participated in my fourth-annual Suicide Prevention Walk. I very actively fund-raised this year and raised more than any of my previous years for a total of $270 in donations. A total number hasn't been released yet, but more than $7,000 was raised just in online donations. Day-of donations and earnings from the raffle and silent auctions have not been included. Participating in the walks gives me such a sense of pride, and knowing I'm helping make a difference is so incredibly, overwhelmingly powerful. The growing success of the walk is the definition of bittersweet. It's so amazing seeing such a strong amount of awareness and support of people who truly and genuinely want to save someone's life.
There is such a stigma attached to mental illness and suicide that it's never talked about, but that's entirely why the suicide rate is so high. With organizations like the Be the Light walk, we can help those in need and I am so proud to see the group exploding every year. But the growing number of people every year is heartbreaking. That means that more people are still taking their lives and we are still losing so many wonderful people. - I received some amazing news a few weeks ago. There is a possibility a wonderful change may be coming my way, but I can't post about it just quite yet. I know this is such a teaser, but I've been super amped, and feeling way more positive about myself. Hopefully more news to come soon.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Songs of My Youth
Whether it's from knowing me in real life or just reading these posts, I'm sure it's pretty easy to tell what a large part music plays in my life. Since before I could walk, listening to music was something that I had a deep connection to. I've been told my whole life that my mom used to lay baby-me down in between the speakers, throw on some AC/DC and jam out. I apparently never even fussed. This was the start of something wonderful.
I have listened to a lot of different genres and artists throughout the years, but I have felt personally connected to every one of them. Looking back on my childhood, there are a lot of songs in particular that I had a strong connection to. Some of the songs had super relatable lyrics or mirrored an exact struggle in my life at the time. Some of them were just what was popular and I sang and danced to them with my friends. Some songs hold very specific memories. No matter what the reasoning, from infant to graduating high school, my youth was flooded with meaningful songs:
I have listened to a lot of different genres and artists throughout the years, but I have felt personally connected to every one of them. Looking back on my childhood, there are a lot of songs in particular that I had a strong connection to. Some of the songs had super relatable lyrics or mirrored an exact struggle in my life at the time. Some of them were just what was popular and I sang and danced to them with my friends. Some songs hold very specific memories. No matter what the reasoning, from infant to graduating high school, my youth was flooded with meaningful songs:
- Thunderstruck - AC/DC
- Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Elton John (from Lion King)
- Shiny Happy People - R.E.M
- Man on the Mon - R.E.M
- Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
- I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boy
- As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys
- Back Here - BB Mack
- Wannabe - SPICE Girls
- Spice Up Your Life - SPICE Girls
- Bye, Bye, Bye - N*SYNC
- Lady Marmalade - P!nk, Christina Aguleira, Lil' Kim, Mya
- Waterfalls - TLC
- No Scrubs - TLC
- Just a Girl - No Doubt
- The Boy is Mine - Brandy and Monica
- Jumpin Jumpin - Destiny's Child
- Independent Women - Destiny's Child
- Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
- Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
- Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
- What's My Age Again - Blink-182
- All The Small Things - Blink-182
- Anthem pt. 2 - Blink-182
- Fat Lip - Sum 41
- Little Things - Good Charlotte
- Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous - Good Charlotte
- Sonny - New Found Glory
- The Great Houdini - New Found Glory
Me at the height of my pop-punk days. And yes, I am wearing a
self-created t-shirt for a Good Charlotte/New Found Glory
concert, complete with safety pins and metallic paint. - Minority - Green Day
- American Idiot - Green Day
- Swing Swing - All American Rejects
- Dirty Little Secret - All American Rejects
- Drawing Board - Mest
- Get the Party Started - P!nk
- You Make Me Sick - P!nk
- Nookie - Limp Bizket
- Pretty Fly For a White Guy - The Offspring
- Why Don't You Get a Job - The Offspring
- Flavor of the Weak - American Hi-Fi
- My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
- Dare You to Move - Switchfoot
- Wonderful - Everclear
- The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
- My Name Is - Eminem
- Without Me - Eminem
- Complicated - Avril Lavigne
- Broken - Seether
- Last Resort - Papa Roach
- The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
- Meet Virginia - Train
- It's Been a While - Staind
- Youth of the Nation - P.O.D.
- Silence - Mudvayne
- Happy - Mudvayne
- Headstrong - Trapt
- Rest in Pieces - Saliva
- Always - Saliva
- Cold - Crossfade
Saturday, August 10, 2013
If I Could Have a Super Ability
I'm sure everyone day dreamed as a child what kind of super power they wish they had. I am no different. Somehow, I haven't managed to shake this fantasy even though I'm, you know, 25. I'm not even ashamed to admit how much thought I've put into this.
Ever since watching Alex Mack, I've always wanted to be able to turn into a silver puddle of goo and slide all over the place. I'd even take plain old invisibility. I'm nosey as shit and I'd love to be able to eavesdrop on people all the time. Plus, if I was invisible, I could make stuff just fall over or fly through the air. I would particularly like to freak out the people I don't like. However, my eavesdropping would probably backfire and I'd hear something that I really wouldn't want to. I'd probably wind up really hurt or really angry with someone I wouldn't want to be. Ok, so scratch that.
I also think it would be pretty awesome to be able to fly. You can get anywhere super quickly. No waiting for traffic, no road rage, no spending gas. Plus, you can just freely float through the air like a boss. But what if I flew right into a bird? Like an eagle. That would be pretty intimidating. Or what if I got shot at by the military or some UFO-crazed lunatic? Or got swept away by some storm? Alright, I guess this needs to be scratched too.
The one thing I would really like isn't really a power persay, so much as it is just an ability. And this is my genius idea, so I don't want some whacko scientist taking it from me. If I see this in a sci-fi movie or some lab somewhere, I will find you and cut you. Anyway, I want to be able to push a button on your chest or wherever, and be able to suck a limb inside you (think retractable dog leash) until you need it again. So here's the deal. Every single time I am cuddling with Man Friend, the arm closest to him just gets all in the way. I never know where to comfortably put it. Even though I've been living with all of my limbs for the past 25 years, somehow I still haven't figured out how to control them. Also, I really like to sit pretzel-legged all the time or in my half moon chair from my dorm days. Unfortunately, this either puts too much pressure on my bad leg or said leg is pushed into the edges of my seat. If I could just suck it right in, the problem would be solved.
I'm pretty sure this is the most brilliant idea I've ever had. Now if only I could find someone to master this technology, I would be comfortable and filthy rich for the rest of my days.
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Ok, getting doused in radio-active chemicals would kind of suck too. But who's counting? |
Ever since watching Alex Mack, I've always wanted to be able to turn into a silver puddle of goo and slide all over the place. I'd even take plain old invisibility. I'm nosey as shit and I'd love to be able to eavesdrop on people all the time. Plus, if I was invisible, I could make stuff just fall over or fly through the air. I would particularly like to freak out the people I don't like. However, my eavesdropping would probably backfire and I'd hear something that I really wouldn't want to. I'd probably wind up really hurt or really angry with someone I wouldn't want to be. Ok, so scratch that.
I also think it would be pretty awesome to be able to fly. You can get anywhere super quickly. No waiting for traffic, no road rage, no spending gas. Plus, you can just freely float through the air like a boss. But what if I flew right into a bird? Like an eagle. That would be pretty intimidating. Or what if I got shot at by the military or some UFO-crazed lunatic? Or got swept away by some storm? Alright, I guess this needs to be scratched too.
The one thing I would really like isn't really a power persay, so much as it is just an ability. And this is my genius idea, so I don't want some whacko scientist taking it from me. If I see this in a sci-fi movie or some lab somewhere, I will find you and cut you. Anyway, I want to be able to push a button on your chest or wherever, and be able to suck a limb inside you (think retractable dog leash) until you need it again. So here's the deal. Every single time I am cuddling with Man Friend, the arm closest to him just gets all in the way. I never know where to comfortably put it. Even though I've been living with all of my limbs for the past 25 years, somehow I still haven't figured out how to control them. Also, I really like to sit pretzel-legged all the time or in my half moon chair from my dorm days. Unfortunately, this either puts too much pressure on my bad leg or said leg is pushed into the edges of my seat. If I could just suck it right in, the problem would be solved.
I'm pretty sure this is the most brilliant idea I've ever had. Now if only I could find someone to master this technology, I would be comfortable and filthy rich for the rest of my days.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Rock Fest: Part Two
Aside from the shows, the next best part of Rock Fest is the people there. Whether you're spending your free time at your camp site with friends and/or family, or you're walking around people watching, there is no shortage of interaction in the days at the Fest. This was my third year going with my aunt and uncle and staying with not only them, but their friends. We had a really small group this year: only 9 people total. Even though I really like the party factor of having such a large group to camp with, it was also nice having a small group. Every year there is always at least someone new. This year it was a couple who are friends with one of the other yearly couples. Of the New Couple, the girl had previously been but I had not met her in my previous years. It was her boyfriend's first year entirely. We have a Fest Virgin every year and he was It for us in 2013. Because the group was so small, we got to chat a lot and have some good conversations. I got to know the New Couple pretty well, which I doubt would have happened in a larger group.
One of the greatest reasons why I love camping with my aunt and uncle is how attached I have grown to their group. Every single person has welcomed Man Friend and myself into their Rock Fest family without any questions. I am not just Aunt and Uncle's young niece to them and they treat me the same at 24 that they do their friends in their 40s and 50s. They all fell in love with Man Friend right away and he is only known as Big Red. It's also pretty cool hanging out with Aunt and Uncle at more than just family functions. While it's great catching up at holidays and birthday parties, there's just something extra awesome about rocking out to great music together.
For those who don't know me well, or at all, I am a huge people watcher. I am so fascinated by everyone around me at all times that I cannot help but stare. Sometime I get caught and I have to super awkwardly dart my eyes or quickly turn my head away. Maybe it's because before everything else, I am a writer. Being a writer isn't just about jotting quick words down or coming up with stories. It's not just a profession or an action; it's a feeling. It's an entire way of life. I am this to my core.
Anyway, Rock Fest is one of the greatest places to people watch because there is such a huge variety of attendees. My very favorite person to watch caught my eye at every show. A little girl around 9 or 10 went through the picture line over and over with her dad. She rocked out just as hard as people twice or three times her age without batting an eye. I was in front of her in the picture line for a show at the beginning of the weekend and I overheard her say, "Dad I wish every day was like today!" One of the days they had a little boy with them, presumably her younger brother. She carried him piggy-back through the picture line at least twice during one show. That girl was so awesome and I so badly wanted to high five her dad for being the coolest parent I've ever seen.
Every year, I see people of all ages. This year the youngest child I saw was still in diapers and the oldest was jamming out in her wheel chair. People there were of all races and from all parts of the country. Some even came across the border and joined us from Canada. People dressed up in full KISS attire, in concert tees for every band playing, bikinis and stilettos and Mardi Gras costumes. One show I stood behind a couple obviously new in their relationship or had just met. Their over-the-top amount of playful flirting and teasing eventually turned into full-fledged making out. People were poorly dancing, drunkenly stumbling or barely keeping themselves together. And let's not forget this guy:
Anyway, Rock Fest is one of the greatest places to people watch because there is such a huge variety of attendees. My very favorite person to watch caught my eye at every show. A little girl around 9 or 10 went through the picture line over and over with her dad. She rocked out just as hard as people twice or three times her age without batting an eye. I was in front of her in the picture line for a show at the beginning of the weekend and I overheard her say, "Dad I wish every day was like today!" One of the days they had a little boy with them, presumably her younger brother. She carried him piggy-back through the picture line at least twice during one show. That girl was so awesome and I so badly wanted to high five her dad for being the coolest parent I've ever seen.
Every year, I see people of all ages. This year the youngest child I saw was still in diapers and the oldest was jamming out in her wheel chair. People there were of all races and from all parts of the country. Some even came across the border and joined us from Canada. People dressed up in full KISS attire, in concert tees for every band playing, bikinis and stilettos and Mardi Gras costumes. One show I stood behind a couple obviously new in their relationship or had just met. Their over-the-top amount of playful flirting and teasing eventually turned into full-fledged making out. People were poorly dancing, drunkenly stumbling or barely keeping themselves together. And let's not forget this guy:
He must have a lot of balls shoved into that tutu |
In the last three years, if there's anything I've learned from attending Rock Fest, it's this: "you come for the shows, but keep coming back for the people." The four days packed full of concerts is the most fun part, but creating memories with the people you're there with make it even better. I'll leave you with a few more pictures from the weekend.
Sitting in the King Chair |
Our custom-painted fire ring. Note the Big Red. |
Monday, July 22, 2013
Now Dance, Fucker, Dance
I sure hope that some of you dear readers recognize today's title. If you don't, I'll help you out. It's from The Offspring's song "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid." And this is important, why? you may ask? I'll tell you why. Because I just came home from the 20th anniversary of Rock Fest, where they happened to be playing. That's why. The five days for the Fest are the only days of vacation I get and I still don't get paid days off, but it couldn't be more worth it. I spent the entire time not worrying or stressing about anything, getting to see a great line-up and spending time with wonderful people.
Is there anything greater than spending your vacation next to the love of your life? |
I don't find KISS to be the most talented band I've ever seen, but at least they are good performers. |
Even though the majority of Saturday and Sunday weren't my cup of tea, I don't think I could have enjoyed the first two days more. I was really looking forward to seeing many of the bands; in fact, three of them are in my top five favorite bands. (The other two played last year. Hell yes.) I had already seen Seether three previous times, Halestorm and Theory of a Deadman once each, and Three Days Grace twice (though not yet with the new singer) but I enjoy them all so much that I was still quite eager to see them again. The first three are from the top fivers, if you already didn't know. I had not ever seen The Offspring, but have loved them since elementary school and had not seen KoRn, but figured they would have a good show. I was happily surprised that I was rather impressed with The Offspring. Ok, actually, it was one of my top shows of the weekend. They played a good mix of their old and newer songs, had amazing energy and played mostly upbeat songs to keep the crowd jumping and dancing the whole show. I was also impressed that Three Days Grace still had the same energy and stage presence as they did the last time I saw them and the vocals weren't terribly different either.
The Offspring |
More Offspring |
I just love Lzzy Hale. She is so damn talented. |
Three Days Grace |
Theory of a Deadman |
Tyler Connolly. What a babe. |
Because my aunt and uncle are awesome and have connections, they got us in to the VIP access area for KoRn and KISS (but really, I just cared about KoRn). KoRn is one of Man Friend's top fivers and he was so pumped to be able to see them so close. The VIP picture line is even more amazing than the general admission one; you get literally right in front of the stage and are at the same level as the band. In the general admission line, you are quite a bit lower than the stage and you can't see much when you're right in front. Man Friend and I each got a ton of pictures, many of them pretty good quality. I didn't know a significant number of their songs, but their entire show was amazing. I was not disappointed at all and it was fun being able to sing along to the songs I do know. It is so unbelievably cool being so close to the singers and being able to see them "in person" without the jumbotron screens. Sitting in VIP was easily one of the best parts of the weekend. Man Friend and I were also particularly excited because KoRn is Man Friend's best friend's absolute favorite band. Not only do we get to tease our friend that we got to see his favorite band and he didn't, but we also get to further add salt to the wound that we were right in front of the stage.
Since we had enough free time Saturday afternoon, my aunt, uncle, Man Friend and I took a trip to Chippewa Falls to check out and shop at the Leinie Lodge. Preface: Leinenkugel's is my favorite beer and a major preference for much of my family. The Leinie Lodge is attached to the brewery, though we decided no to tour. Inside the store was more clothing and merchandise than I could have imagined. I picked up a shirt, a bottle coozie and some post cards for the Rock Fest scrapbook that I'm making. The coolest part, though, was the section with the history of the company. There were displays of cans throughout the years, a timeline of all the beers the company has ever made, pictures of employees and the building and newspaper articles. It was particularly interesting to see the clippings from the end of Prohibition. I can't even imagine the fear that era struck in companies that solely made their living from liquor. Not counting speakeasies, of course. I also had no idea that Leinenkugel's once fell victim to a devastating fire. In 1948, the brewery was struck by lightning, which started a fire that caused $30,000 in damage. $30,000 in 1948? Holy. Shit. That would probably be millions now.
Beer tap handles for all Leinie's flavors |
More about the Fest will probably come later this week, but for now, I leave you with one final picture. Rock on, dear readers.
This year's camp group |
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