Saturday, December 7, 2013

Deep Thoughts with The Walking Dead

SPOILER ALERT!! If you have not seen season 4's mid-season finale, do not continue reading! I am not going to be responsible for ruining it for you. If you are all caught up, then by all means, please continue on.

So Man Friend and I watched the mid-season finale a few days after it aired. We were both a bit anxious and eager, knowing that something big was going to happen. Everyone getting sick and Carol killing two people, thus getting her kicked out, have been the biggest things to happen for a while. Plus, with a big episode, there has to be something very suspenseful. Before the episode started, Man Friend said that he bet someone was going to die and we placed our bets against each other on who we thought it was going to be. I victoriously threw my hands in the air and yelled "THE GOVERNOR!!" But then was like, "Nah. As much as I want him dead, I doubt it will happen. Too many people love to hate him and he always adds something more to the story." Man Friend's bet was for Rick or Herschel. We debated a little and I said there would be no way they'd kill off Rick. He's the face of the show and without him, the prison group won't mean much.

Well. We both ended up right. Man Friend was a little more logical about it. He was upset by the death of Herschel and was even a little quiet after the show saying that he was so mad he was right. He said he felt the same way when they killed off Dale earlier about killing off the good guy/the voice of reason/ a really likable character. I was not exactly as rational. As soon as the governor beheaded him, I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.  I know I cry very easily at fictional events, but this was easily the hardest I have ever cried at something that wasn't real. Because it felt so real. I have such an emotional attachment to these characters that I feel so connected to them. I feel a part of this. Unhealthy or not, there it is. Anyway, here is what I sounded like on and off for a solid half hour, at least. "I hate the governor. I HATE HIM! I hate him so much! I hate this stupid show. I hate the writers of this stupid show. I'm never watching this again. I'm going to leave a flaming pile of dog poop on their front porch. I hate you for making me watch this stupid show. I hate this show. I hate the governor. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL HERSCHEL? Why couldn't it have just been a swift bullet to the head? Why did it have to be so cruel to chop off his head? And his daughters had to watch it! Herschel was SUCH a good character! I hate the governor and this stupid show. I'm so glad the governor is finally dead, but he died too easily. I wish Michonne could have made him a walker. Or poked out his other eye at least. But at least he's dead." Guys, I know that it's "just" a tv show. I know.

One of my favorite parts about the show and the prison crew is how insanely in sync they all are with each other and how much every single one of them has each other's back no matter what. As soon as Herschel died, every single person standing outside the prison started shooting and fighting back for what's theirs and for Herschel. The people inside the prison gathered everyone up and into the bus immediately. One of the most bad ass things, though, was when the young girl, Carol's prodigy so to speak, took control of the other girls. She said that Carol had taught them and they should have guns too. When she started shooting, I thought she was Carl. And threw my arms in the air and yelled "YES!" when I realized it was her. I was so oddly proud of her for that. For listening to Carl. For being so brave. And when Maggie threw Beth's words back at her and said "We don't get to be upset. We all have a job to do." For some reason, that moment between the two sisters was just so powerful to me.

After watching the mid-season finale and somehow calming myself down, we turned to Netflix to watch some older episodes. Since I still have not seen most of season 1 and half of season 2, Man Friend is insistent that I watch all of it for better understanding of the show and the characters' past. We picked up where I left off, which was episode 3 of season 1. Although I do appreciate being able to see how the characters and the show has progressed to what I watch now, it's hard for me to go back in time, essentially, to the start of it all. The worst part was being like, well, she's dead, he's dead, he's dead. All of these people are dead! Why am I watching this now? It was really interesting, and actually kind of comical, to see how the interaction and view of the walkers has changed so much. In the current episodes, the characters take out the walkers with such ease. And they are such badasses about it. Darryl with his bow, Rick and Carl with the guns, especially. They are all such fighters now and so little scares them. One person can take out a slew of walkers in one fell swoop. The episode we were watching, a walker got to the camp and it was the first time one had gotten so close to them. It took four of them, at least, to cut its head off before Darryl finally walked up an explained they have to get them in the brain. It was really amusing seeing them all suck so much at it.

The biggest change I think is the evolution of Carol. Can we please talk about that? I think watching her evolve throughout the seasons in chronological order would have been really cool. Watching her grow to the person she's become would have been so much more awesome knowing how she started. Seeing her go from such an independent, strong, confident and courageous person in season 4 to the weak, terrified person in season 1 was really hard. Painful, in fact. Where we left off with her, she had been kicked out of the group with a car and supplies to be on her own. I'm sure she will come back. I'm almost confident she will come back now that the prison group has split up and will probably save someone. And when she does make a reappearance, I'm sure it'll show that she was sad to leave her prison family and worried to be on her own until she found a new group. But the thing is, she left at Rick's wish. He told her she was strong enough to make it, and she is. She's a survivor and will still live no matter where she is or who she's with. I don't know if season 1 Carol could have done that. If she had been kicked out of the group in the early days, how would she have reacted? Begged for forgiveness and tried to stay at any cost? I watched this frail woman cry over her abusive husband when he got his ass kicked for beating her. It was as if I had just watched a completely different person.

And now, I have to wait another two months to see what's going to happen next. I can't handle this kind of stress. My heart is racing a little just thinking about it.

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