Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kathy Griffin Show

On Thursday, my sister and I saw Kathy Griffin live at the Weidner Center. Kathy is one of my favorite comedians, if not, the favorite. I had not seen her live before and was super excited to go.

The only downfall to the night was that they didn't have a screen up behind her like most concerts/shows I've been to. Our seats were pretty high up, so we couldn't really see her face that well. But we could still see her, and more importantly, hear her.

The two reasons I love Kathy so much are that she is so honest and super vulgar. As someone whose favorite word is "fuck," I can absolutely appreciate a person who has created their livelihood around this word and other vulgarities. She tells everything just like it is with zero filter. She doesn't embarrass easily and turns otherwise shameful moments into bits to make her audience laugh. Anyone who has the first televised pap smear sure has a lot of ovaries and that is something I respect. Thursday's show was not much different. She did a couple of bits that were, as she called them, "shame based."

If there is anyone I love more than Kathy, it is dear Maggie Griffin. Kathy's "93 year-old alcoholic mother." Kathy's impressions of Maggie are so hilarious they leave me rolling with laughter every time I hear them. During her show, Kathy told us Maggie's reaction to Miley Cyrus's VMA performance, her objections to moving into an assisted-living condo and, naturally, her warnings to Kathy to behave in Green Bay. "Behaving" to dear old Maggie meant not swearing on stage, not disrespecting the Church and not giving the Griffins a bad name. Not one of these things happened and it was brilliant. I laughed at all of Kathy's punchlines, but I think I laughed the hardest at the Maggie jokes.

If there is another thing that makes Kathy such a great comedian, it's that she has a ridiculous amount of energy. She brings so much energy and enthusiasm during her entire show, from the moment she runs on the stage to the moment she runs off. If you haven't watched one of her shows on tv or live, I mean literally running back and forth. I am half her age and just the thought of that makes me tired. Needless to say, I am not a runner. With such strong enthusiasm, the audience stays entertained and engaged throughout the whole show. You can tell she loves every moment of what she does and truly enjoys being on stage performing.

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful night. Go watch some Kathy videos on YouTube.

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