Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sucky and Super Saturday

In the last few weeks:


  • I lost a family member and a friend within two weeks. It's been incredibly emotional and it sucked. A lot.
  • I had to move out of my house into a temporary residence just to move again in another few weeks. Read more about it here.
  • I hate everything about winter, and it's been a rough one already this year. I even had to miss work one day because it would not have been safe for me to make the commute.
  • I had the flu wicked bad and missed almost a full week of work. Three weeks later, Man Friend is now out of commission with the same thing.
  • Girls Night Out is not having convening this session. The program as a whole is being evaluated and I will be so bummed if they end it.
  • Even though my friend's funeral was one of the toughest things I've had to do in a long time, it brought together many people. I got to see his family, and some of my friends I hadn't seen in quite some time.
  • This blog reached and passed 2,000 views. Patience and effort is paying off!
  • I just got signed up to fund-raise for the Strong Kids Campaign with the Y again. Stay tuned for deets!
  • Man Friend and I finally got some stress-free alone time and our first date out to dinner by ourselves in months. It was so needed and I had such a good time.

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