Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Moving

Hello dear readers! For those of you who know me in real life, this should not come as a shock to you, but I have a really hard time with emotions. I'm an incredibly emotional person, but I have a very difficult time showing my emotions, and an even harder time dealing with and understanding them. I don't like to let too much of my personal feelings and tribulations show on my public space, but here comes a little nugget of seriousness.

I hate moving...mostly because I don't handle change very well. No matter the circumstances of moving, I hate it with every single fiber of my being. However, today's move is hitting me particularly hard. Today is my last day in my house with Roomie. The house has been for sale for a few months now, and plans to sell and/or move have been in the books for well over a year now. But now that it's here and happening, it's way more difficult than I had ever anticipated.

First of all, moving is incredibly stressful. It's tedious, time-consuming, tiresome, expensive, and a lot of physical work. The only positive thing about constantly going up and down stairs, lifting, twisting and carrying is how much exercise it is. However, it leaves you sore and tired, and in constant fear of dropping something fragile or breaking yourself. Packing takes forever, you have to get all kinds of boxes and storage bins, downsize, do lots of laundry and do lots of wrapping of breakables. I have no idea how people do this for a living. They must hate their lives.

There's a lot I'm going to miss from living here. Roomie, for one. We've been friends most of our lives, but living with him for nearly two years made our friendship even closer and stronger than it was before. It'll be an adjustment of not only not being in the same residence, but of him being on the other side of the country as well. I'll miss coming home to someone who likes bitching just as much as I do. Because let's face it, our household consisted of swearing and alcohol. You gotta go witcha strengths. I will miss all the ridiculous things we do together, namely singing terrible songs and talking in movie/tv/comedy/youtube quotes. I'm so excited for him to start his new job in a new city and have a fresh start, particularly because he is so excited. I'm excited to have a new place to visit, but it's going to be a huge change not having him around all the time.

Nuggets for two. When I first moved in, I wouldn't even touch Lucy. I kept her away from me for a solid month by chasing her with the Swiffer. It was my only defense against jumping, scratching, licking, sniffing and general curiosity. And somehow, the little diva found her way under my skin and MADE me fall in love with her. And then we got Snoopy, and I thought I was going to have an aneurysm having two hyperactive dogs in the house with me. Somehow, he figured out how to make me love him too. It's the damn beagle eyes. They pathetically just look up at you, begging you to love them and before you know it, the sneaky bastards have weasled their way into your heart. I don't even like animals, but damnit if I didn't sob sitting in an empty kitchen saying goodbye to them.

I bet you're already won over. 

I will definitely miss all the parties we've had at our house. We were the party house for my group of friends for a significant amount of time. We threw two Memorial Day parties that were pretty baller, if I do say so myself. We've had New Years, Packer games, and countless Friday nights in that house and it's going to be so sad and weird without that staple.

However, there is definitely a lot I will not miss. For one, White Trash. White Trash is our kiddy-corner neighbor who we hate. His name should be fairly self-explanatory. We called the cops on him Friday, he was arrested Sunday, and somehow was deemed ok to be released by Tuesday. I will not miss cops constantly on our street or sirens always blaring in the middle of the night. I will not miss the drug house two doors down. I will not miss our judgey, lazy next door neighbors. I will not miss our street never getting plowed properly, if at all. Although I will miss the puppies, I will not miss all pee, poop and vomit that happened all over the house. I will not miss the whining and howling whenever there was any noise outside. The wind would blow wrong and the howling wouldn't stop for five minutes.

Despite the fact that I don't exactly handle change very well, and am really struggling with this transition, I do have a lot to look forward to. To save some monies, Man Friend and I are moving in with his cousin for a year or so, and eventually will be getting a place of our own. I am so incredibly excited to move in with Man Friend and get a start on our lives together. I can't wait to be able to go to bed with him every night instead of just most weekends. He will be the last thing I see every night before drifting off to sleep and his "goodnight" will be the last thing I hear before my dreams. His voice will be the first thing I hear every morning before heading off to work. We won't have to map out our time and figure out when we get to see each other. We will be able to go to sleep when we're tired instead of keeping our eyes open to be able to spend an hour together every night. We can cook and eat meals together on a regular basis. It will be a huge step in our relationship and a giant change for each of us. I've definitely gone over the "what ifs" a thousand times, but I can just feel it in my heart that it will be the right decision for us and will be such a positive move for us as a couple. He's the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with, and probably the only person I would give up having my own room for.


  1. Oh! so well said.. Life will throw a lot of things at you, but you will always deal with them and come out on top!

  2. I'm right there with you - potentially OVERLY emotional yet horrified at the thought of expressing those emotions. And I also have a hard time with change. I've moved more than I'm comfortable with and every time, it's a difficult adjustment. It's the worst! But you have a great attitude. Just remember to give everything time and it will all work out. P.S. Love this: "Our household consisted of swearing and alcohol."
