In large part due to the amount of stress that I've had recently, I've been doing a lot of soul searching. A lot of digging deep into my life and self, figuring out what is truly important to me, and learning a lot about myself. And trust me, it's been exhausting.
In light of all the recent self-digging, I've decided to enlighten you a little. Plus, if my readers are anything like me, you're nosy. So here's Part Two of Things You May or May Not Know About Me:
- I have the patience of a small child, and that's on a good day.
- I pick the labels off bottles, whether they're glass or plastic
- Last year I taught myself to cook, and I really enjoy it.
- I've always wanted a convertible.
- My car's name is Carly.
- I will not eat pea soup. It looks like baby shit.
- I used to hate football but am now an avid Packers fan.
- My favorite tv show is Law and Order: SVU
- No matter how much of a shoe snob I may be, Chuck Taylors will always be my favorite.
- I'm way clumsier now than I ever was as a child.
- I could probably recite all of Grease, if I really tried.
- I've recently become quite the wine-o.
- I have 15 holes in my ears and every intention to get more.
- I really enjoy scrapbooking and stamping. I just wish I had more time for it.
- If I end up half as successful as my college mentor, I will be happy with my life.
- I miss the college life, but don't have any desire to re-do it.
- My favorite chips are Spicy Sweet Chili Dorritos.
- I have a huge sweet tooth.
- My very first concert was Blink-182 and Green Day. They will both always hold a special place in my heart.
- My family may drive me nuts, but I'm very lucky to have such a supportive bunch.
- Poor spelling and grammar makes me go batshit crazy.
- I'm a firm believer that if junk food, a hot bath, wine, and a good book can't solve your problems, nothing can.
- I hate scary movies.
- I wish I was more fashionable.
- My favorite job was as a barista
Pea soup!! my same thought about it...although I did enjoy some that John made about a year ago. Think Aunt Chelle shares out feelings? Love your entire list......