Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Peace and Blessings, 2012!

I'm going to start off this post by bluntly saying, 2012 sucked. Sure, there were some good points and some days I really enjoyed, but overall, last year was garbage. And according to what I've seen on Facebook, this seems to be the general consensus for almost everyone I know. Last year gave me a lot of stress and on so many different levels. Life definitely threw me a lot of curve balls, and I'm not sure I can handle much more bad luck or things not working out in my favor. I can feel it in my bones, though, that 2013 is going to be different. Mostly because I don't think there's too much bad luck left for me to run into. 

Roomie and I decided to have our friends over for New Year's Eve for a big party. We ended a garbage year for both of us and rang in a new one on a great note. Aside from Memorial Day, it was one of our most successful parties. Partying at home was a much better option than going out to the bars. No cover charges, no drinking and driving, so much cheaper overall, we got to have a pajama party, and of course, we were gluttonous as usual with loads and loads of food. Oh, and fireworks. There aren't fireworks at bars.

With the success of game night for the ugly sweater party, we had a night of games. We played Man Law and Woman Rules and some other game Man Friend brought. I had never heard of the game he brought, but it was basically an adult version of Truth or Dare. We made a rule right away that as such close friends, no matter the requests of the game, no one would get upset or offended. It was just a frickin riot; I don't think I've ever laughed so hard playing a game. We definitely learned a lot about each other that probably wouldn't have come out otherwise (or the help of handy dandy liquid courage) and watched each other do ridiculous stunts.

At midnight, we popped some champagne and headed outside to light off some fireworks in the frigid cold. I hate the cold with every fiber of my being and am getting over a cold and didn't want to even go outside. But, I did for a while, had a sparkler, and watched everyone else. We had a firework going in the middle of the street when we saw a car coming. By the time the vehicle approached, the firework wasn't finished. Instead of stopping or going down a different street, the dumb shits in the vehicle drove right through it. They had sparks following them, and I honestly thought I was about to watch a car catch fire or blow up. Luckily, it didn't, but I couldn't get over how stupid that was. I'm sure the driver was just hammered and trying to be funny. But if something would have happened, it would have been entirely out of their own stupidity.
Champagne at midnight
The best guy I could ring in the New Year with

The firework that was run over just moments after this
By the time we went to bed, I was so damn exhausted I couldn't even function. Just three years ago, I could stay up 'til 3, 4 or even 5 a.m without any problem. And that happened regularly. Last night, I stayed up 'til 3, which was about 21 hours straight. When I went to bed, Man Friend literally had to get me undressed, glasses off, and into bed. I managed to sleep my entire day away and didn't wake up until 1 in the afternoon. I woke up to find Man Friend had cleaned up the entire mess from the night before. Dishes done, counters wiped down, all the bottles, plates and cups picked up and put away. I kept telling him I was so lucky to have him in my life and how appreciative I was that he takes such good care of me. It's things like that that make me realize how lucky I really am to have such an amazing guy. I need to remember these moments when we fight over something stupid, or when I snap at him because of unrelated stress. Relationships can be so fragile and can easily be broken, but I'm confident that if I treat more moments this way, we will forever have a strong relationship.

With that positive note, here are some of my (realistic) goals for this upcoming year:

  • Maintain consistency in a workout routine
  • Maintain consistency in my overall health
  • Get at least one new follower on my blog
  • Get at least another 500 views on my blog
  • Get a full time, permanent job, preferably doing something I enjoy


  1. I just know it will be a good year for you (and man friend) Hope my comment will get published. sometimes my google account just won't accept it. Love YOu!

  2. Happy New Year! I'm sure 2013 will be a great year for you and man friend! Love You!
