Sunday, June 9, 2013

How to Successfully Annoy Your Boyfriend

About a week ago, Man Friend was working on a post for his YouTube channel when I half-jokingly said "You should create a channel and post videos for how to successfully annoy your girlfriend." I wasn't expecting much of a reaction, so when he said it was a good idea and he'd think about it, I decided I was serious too. I told him he's really good at annoying me, so I'm sure he'd be really good at making this channel. Which got me to thinking. He's not the only one in this relationship who knows how to annoy the other. So I decided, why not write about it?

I came up with a list of my own. I haven't tried all of these yet, but I certainly have given myself a few ideas.

  • Own ten pairs of shoes for every one of his. Get offended if he dares suggest to get rid of some.
  • Own five bathroom/beauty products for every one of his. Claim you need them all out on the counter because you use them all every day.
  • Get mad when he moves your things or puts them where they don't belong.
  • When something's wrong, tell him it's nothing and you're fine. Get mad when he doesn't respond or react the way you want.
  • Whine. (Ok, I've tried using this to get my way, but Man Friend never falls for it. He says it's "cute.")
  • Crank 90s pop music when you're driving and make him listen to it because it's YOUR car.
  • Hide the remote while watching shows on Bravo, TLC or the Food Network.
  • Gossip to him and expect him to contribute. Get mad when he doesn't.
  • "Borrow" all his comfy clothes. Play stupid when he asks for them back.
  • Make him choose things to do together and get mad if he chooses the wrong activity.
  • Get mad when he "doesn't have" an opinion on things like weddings or fashion. 
  • Ask what's happening throughout an entire movie.
  • Take over the entire bed, covers and/or pillows 
  • Take forever to get ready.
More to come, I'm sure. 

1 comment:

  1. This list is pretty much my life.

    "When something's wrong, tell him it's nothing and you're fine. Get mad when he doesn't respond or react the way you want." Do we all do that???

    Love it, Monica!
