Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm not gunna waste this, this opportunity's mine*

Sucky and Super, week 3

  • A former classmate from high school passed away. I was never close with him, but it was such a terrible happening. Even worse, not very many people from our graduating class showed up for the services. If any of his family or friends are reading this, again, my deepest sympathies.
  • Even though we were not very close, I made sure to attend his wake to pay my last respects. My funeral attendance is taking quite the toll on me lately. They're never easy to deal with and, unfortunately, I feel like I've been experiencing so many in the last few years. I'm up to 9 in the last 5 years.
Well, after that first note, nothing else seems worthy of noting. I had a few minor annoyances this week, but nothing serious. After putting those inconveniences after such a tragic death, none of them seem so bad anymore, so I'm skipping to some Super updates.

  • My skin is clearing up (for now at least). I've had problems with acne since 6th grade, and I'm slowly starting to accept it's just going to be something I deal with for the rest of my life. I've tried every product known to man. for about two years in college, my face was actually remarkably clear, but since then, it's back to break outs. Right now I seem to be on a good streak, luckily just in time for the holidays.
  • I have just about all my Christmas shopping done. I only need to buy one more present, and I'm going halvsies with my sister for our not-so-baby-anymore sister. Now just to wrap it all...
  • Tuesday I had an interview! It wasn't for anything in my field, just a receptionist position, but it's close to home, full-time/permanent and the interview actually went really smoothly. I have a good feeling about it.
  • Friday I had another ugly sweater party. It was with a  group of friends that I've had since middle and high school. We always have so much fun together and this was no different. We played the new Logo board game, which turned out to be a blast, but significantly harder than any of us expected. We also exchanged Secret Santa gifts. I got a gas card, which is splendid for commuting 45 minutes each way to work.
*Tonight, Tonight by Seether

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