Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Here's to hoping 2012 is better than '11

Today I looked through some old Facebook notes and found my list of goals for 2011.
  • Getting a full-time, permanent job in my field
  • Moving out of my mom's house
  • Getting to a weight I'm happy with
  • Getting my fiction piece published
  • Get my credit card and the debt to my cousin paid off
I have accomplished one of these. And that's moving out....as a 23 year old, college graduate should be. Only took me a year after graduating to actually do so.

Which makes my 2012 goals as follows:
  • Get a full-time permanent job, preferably in my field, but I'll take what I can get
  • Get to a weight I'm happy with - and finally get my belly button repierced as a reward
  • Get my fiction piece published
  • Get more followers on this blog
  • Get my debt paid off and put a dent into my student loans and car payment
Some of these goals can be accomplished with plenty of hard work...others may have to rely on a little luck, and/or other people taking a chance on me. Maybe a combination of the two. Consider my fingers crossed and my motivation listed.

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