Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things I Wish I Could Say to My Teenage Self

Sometimes, inspiration comes in funny ways. This afternoon, I got hit with some after listening to an old New Found Glory cd. Perhaps appropriate as a Throw Back Thursday notion. I started thinking of my high school years, inevitably, as these years were the height of my angsty, pop-punk years. And after having a pretty severe case of writer's block mixed with job searching that has taken over my soul and life, the ideas started pouring out of my head. The downfall to always getting the best ideas during my drive home is that by design of being in a moving vehicle, I do not have a place to get these ideas out. So the replaying over and over again ensues. Which eventually turns into talking to myself to ensure that I don't forget what I need to jot down. If the sound of hearing my own voice didn't creep me out so much I'd record myself.

Without further ado, Things I wish I could say to my teen-aged self:
  • Spend less time not giving a shit and more time getting your homework done. On time. 
  • APPLY YOURSELF! You are very smart, but half-assing the work is not the same as doing your best.
  • Stick with writing for the school newspaper for more than one article.
  • Life after graduation is no where near what you expect it to be. Life after college and a degree is not even close to what you think it is.
  • Resumes and cover letters will turn out to be the bane of your existence.
  • You are not really as much of a badass as you think you are. But keep the attitude and mindset that you are.
  • It will take you a long time to figure out how to have a verbal filter. Try harder now and it will be easier down the road.
  • Most of the people you hated in high school still suck. The people who picked on you are losers going nowhere with their lives.
  • You will fall in love more than once. You won't end up with any of these boys, but each one of them will always carry a special place in your heart.
  • Do not allow yourself to change for a relationship and do not lose sight of who you really are.
  • Trust me, you are NOT fat. Someday, you will look back and wish that you were the size you are now.
  • Invest in some body tape. Right in front of your friend's boyfriend, your boob will pop out entirely in this dress:

  • Stop picking at your acne and blemishes. Stop touching them. Just stop touching your face. You will be left with scars and regret.
  • Do NOT give up playing guitar. 
    See how much you love it?
  • Despite all of the angsty poetry you write now, you will grow to hate poetry in college. In fact, after finishing school, you will not write a poem again.
  • As soon as you stop knowing everything, your parents will stop being the world's biggest idiots. Have patience with your dad because your relationship will strengthen exponentially when you turn 21 and he sees you as an adult.
  • Sex gets a LOT better with practice.

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