Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finally Settled In

Hello dear readers! It has been a while since the last post, but I am finally all settled in to the new digs, minus a few boxes left at my grandma's. The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of moving, unpacking and setting up our new place with everything exactly where we want it. Oh, and no Internet for a week. Can't forget that First World Tragedy. Anyway, now that almost everything has found itself a home and I missed work today because of the weather, I finally have the time to sit down and write. Which, by the way, is being done from my and Man Friend's office. I've never really had an area outside of my room to be able to write in peace and I'm wicked excited about it.

Since we're on the topic of the office, I must say it's one of my favorite parts of the apartment. Man Friend and I were lucky enough to find a two bedroom in our price range and this room was one of the big selling points of the place. Man Friend and I each get half of the room: his half for his gaming and my half for writing and possibly scrapbooking. Also, it has my magnificent walk-in closet. Seriously, it's huge. And alll mine. As I was unpacking my plethora of clothes boxes, Man Friend told me he was astonished that I hadn't finished yet. At that point, I was a good three storage bins in and had at least two more to go. I actually get to have all of my clothes up at once without packing away out of season outfits. I didn't even realize how wonderful it was until I had everything all hung up.

Although moving in general stresses me out more than I'd like to admit, this was by far the smoothest move I've ever done. Since I had been temporarily staying with my mom's friend in between moving out of Roomie's house and into the apartment, a good majority of my stuff was already packed and ready to go. The day that we moved the most stuff, Man Friend and I had three people helping us move which helped tremendously. My cousin spent the whole day with me going back and forth from Temporary Residence, my storage shed and the apartment. It saved so much time having two people load and unload my car. It would have easily taken an extra day without her. Man Friend's best friend and his brother helped move our furniture. Since all three of them have trucks, they were easily able to each grab some pieces instead of Man Friend needing to make close to four trips by himself. Plus, carrying heavy and awkward furniture up a flight of stairs singlehandedly would have proved to be nearly if not entirely impossible.

One of the most exciting aspects about moving into your own place is being able to put everything away the way you want. Man Friend and I have been able to set up everything exactly the way we want. I didn't realize how exciting it would be until we were able to do so. Who knew deciding where to put the pots and pans and how to arrange furniture would be so exciting? Holy shit. I just came to the terrible realization that I am frickin OLD. See ya later, early twenties. Hello, being a grown up. Guess there's no way out of that one, huh?

Welp, I suppose on that note, I should go do something else grown up with my time. I'm sure I can find something else to put away...

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