Monday, November 5, 2012

My One and Only Political Post

In light of the big election tomorrow, I decided to create my only political post. I typically like to steer away from political conversations, especially on social media. But this is my personal space, so I'll do what I want.

Let me start this off by saying this is not a debate arena. This is my blog, my expressions and my hard work. This is not about how much I hate one candidate, nor how much I love another. Don't even bother arguing with me, trying to get me to see your point of view, bashing me, or bashing my opinions. If you do, I will delete your comments. Without hesitation.

That being said, voting is a lot of hard work. Who you decide to align yourself with, or who you decide to put that little mark next to their name is a pretty loaded decision. I know, I know, your one tiny vote won't make a difference. But what if every person, or even half the population voted uninformed or apathetically? Just think about that, 'Murica.

While listening to hundreds and hundreds of nonsense political ads, both at the state and national level, I've really gotten to thinking what I want in a president. While I do lean towards Democrat, there are so many times that I wish it were easier to vote for specific ideologies rather than party lines. In the last few weeks, I've come up with a list of everything I want in a president. If, for some inexplicable miracle, these things could all be in one person, I would not only stand behind this nominee 1000%, I would even donate part of my piddly salary to their campaign. I want someone in office who will:

  • keep abortion legalized
  • let women make decisions about their bodies themselves
  • abolish abstinence-only sex education in public schools
  • completely stand true to a separation of Church and State
  • legalize same-sex marriage
  • get this country out of this damn recession
  • create more jobs
  • bring our troops home
  • take care of problems at home before taking care of other countries
  • make education more affordable and accessible
  • make healthcare more affordable and accessible
  • not bash their opponent
  • mean what they say and say what they mean
  • actually do what they say, mean and keep promises


  1. Great post Monica. Completely agree with you, and I wish our government didn't center so much around petty party politics. I'm sick of all the bashing! Rather than focusing on what is allegedly wrong with your opponent, tell me something specific and concrete you'll do, and stick to it!!! I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's so frustrating during elections when the candidates move closer to the center to attract more voters. How about some honesty and integrity for a change?
