Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Things I have Learned in My Mere 24 Years

  • No matter how cliche, laughter really IS the best medicine. Even when I don't want to laugh and someone makes me, I can't help but feel a little better.
  • Whether it's jobs, relationships, or anything else in your life, you need really shitty experiences so you can appreciate the good ones when they come along.
  • Revisiting history will teach you buckets more about culture, history, and news than any text book ever will.
  • No matter how much you may want to, you can't change someone. 
  • You should listen to your gut. Chances are, it's right.
  • I love America, but American society in general and as a whole sucks. This country is full of stupid (and I really mean stupid), ignorant, lazy, greedy and selfish people. We feel entitled to everything, are so rushed with everything and are impatient when things don't go our way.
  • No matter how much you try to stay out of other people's business, their business will find you.
  • There will always be someone who doesn't like you...and for no good reason. 
  • Being happy in what you do is far more important than being wealthy.
  • It is way easier to gain weight than it is to lose it
  • Everyone should have a stress-relieving hobby.
  • Picky eaters are incredibly difficult to cook for.
  • There is nothing more satisfying than getting lost in a novel for hours. Except for the moment when you finish, and you actually feel lost.
  • Everyone should have at least one one-night stand.
  • Volunteering is one of the most fulfilling things you could ever do with your time.
  • The best relationships come when you least expect them, and likely, with a person you least expect to be with.
  • Bitching to your best friend can be the most therapeutic thing when you're upset
  • The general population has the spelling ability of a fourth grader. 

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much love all of the above. My favorite has to be the item about history and the spelling...but I think you may know why! And of course, I'm going over in my head right now "is this grammatically correct?" "how am I spelling words right now?"

    Great post friend!
