Saturday, September 24, 2011

Part Two: Solutions

As yesterday's post clearly shows, I've been rather unhappy lately. Sometimes I wonder why I let my financial and professional situations take over the rest of my moods/emotions/satisfaction with life. I have family I actually get along with really well and, unlike many of my peers, really enjoy spending time with them. My parents and sisters are more than just family, they're my friends. My friends are a fantastic support system, are fun as hell to be around, are there when I need to vent or cry, my roommate/long time friend makes me laugh every single day, and I have an amazing boyfriend I'm head over heels in love with. I have some of the greatest people surrounding me who would do anything for the ones they love. I graduated college with honors and in four years. I've moved out of my mom's house and on my own. I bought my car (from here on out to be referred to as her name, Carly. Don't judge.) shortly after graduating and it's actually relatively new and in really great condition. Granted, my dad had to be a cosigner, but I make all the payments on my own. I'm healthy, my friends and family are healthy. Sometimes, I think I just need a reality check.

Regardless of how irrational or unjustified my frustrations are, they're there. And I'm finally trying to do something about it. I want so much out of life and it's completely up to me to get there.

Job searching: The biggest reason I'm so unhappy is my job. I want a job in my field. I want a job I love and actually look forward to going to every morning. I don't want to feel like my degree was a waste of paper. I want a job closer to home, so I'm not commuting every day (though I'd gladly still commute for a job in my field or that I loved). Instead of just complaining how much I hate my job, I'm trying to find a new one. CareerBuilder and Simply Hired (among others) have been my best friends in the last month. I try to look for jobs every day. At the very least, I search every other day. Unfortunately, not much has been posted lately. I updated my LinkedIn profile and have polishing my resume to make it perfect. I have a few applications out there, all for jobs in my field. There's one in particular I'm really excited for: a social media and PR coordinator position that's literally just a few minutes away from my house.

Writing: In addition to trying to keep up with this blog, I've been trying to do some freewriting a few times a week. I found a list of prompts and spend about 7-15 minutes writing about the topic I choose. Yesterday's prompt is actually proving to be a lot of fun. I think it's going to be the first thing I actually write without a workshop class or my instructor Dave that will go somewhere. I also want to start submitting my fiction piece Beauty is Pain. I started submitting it back in February but dropped it for a while. I've got a list of magazines I want to submit to, so I just need to actually submit. Note to self: submit to those magazines this week and don't forget again like you did three weeks ago.

Volunteering: The volunteer program that I work with starts up again Monday and I couldn't be more excited. The program is called Girls Night Out and it's through the Green Bay YMCA. Every Monday a group of sixth grade girls meets at the Y for two hours. Each day of the week is dedicated to a different middle school. Each week has a different theme that we focus on. The first hour is "learning" and the second hour is a physical activity. As a volunteer, I lead small group discussions with the girls, and can join in on the activity if I wish. The girls learn about things like communication, positive role models, healthy eating habits, and bullying. After the "classroom" portion, we go to the gym for rock climbing, yoga, dodge ball and other gym/recess games. I have so much fun with my girls. It's the one thing that really makes me feel like I'm making a difference to someone, and I feel like I'm at least using my Women's Studies minor.

Freewriting took a backseat today to continue working with yesterday's piece.

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