Thursday, January 19, 2012

25 Things you may or may not know about me.

I've grown tired of Sucky and Super posts. Maybe I'll come back to them in a few weeks. I've done this a few times before on Facebook, but I never grow tired of the list of random facts about myself. I'm really fascinated by these for a number of reasons. One, I like to give friends/readers/followers a little insight into my life. Two, I find it really interesting what people decide to share with others and what people find relevant enough to share. Three, I find almost every time I learn something new about myself, something in the back of my mind that I've never really verbalized. So, enjoy.

1) I get freckles on my nose in the summer. I really like them.
2) I love reading detective/murder mystery novels, but I know that I could never think out a plot to write one on my own.
3) The word panties creeps me the fuck out.
4) I still have all my trolls from the 90s and don't plan on ever changing that.
5) It's a life goal of mine to have a room of nothing but books in it.
6) I think my toes look weird if I don't have polish on.
7) One of the best things anyone ever said to me was just a passing comment by someone who probably doesn't even remember saying it.
8) No matter how long I consistently work at 8 am, I will never be a morning person.
9) I don't like rice.
10) If I'm not married by the time I'm 30, I may have a meltdown.
11) I've convinved myself I'm going through early menopause.
12) I don't eat very much red meat.
13) Children, until they reach their teens, are my weakness. But I don't want any of my own.
14) Even after college, I still mark up books, highlighting and noting worthy passages or wonderfully written lines.
15) I would love to work for a non-profit.
16) I could probably eat eggs every day of the week.
17) Failure terrifies me.
18) I hate the cold with every fiber of my being. Moving to a wamer city has crossed my mind more than once.
19) I'm scared of being in a dead-end job the rest of my life.
20) Oatmeal is such a comfort food for me. I love eating it in the winter.
21) I've never had one cigarette or tried one illegal drug.
22) If I do get married, I'm not changing my last name or my mind about it. Let the flame war begin.
23) I am so head over heels in love with my man friend, it's disgusting.
24) Fuck is easily my favorite swear word. I probably say it every day. Several times, in fact.
25) I am one crabby lady if I don't have a soda in the morning

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