Friday, November 25, 2011

Of all the aspects of social misery, nothing is so heartbreaking as unemployment*

Unemployment sucks.

I contemplated letting that one single sentence be my entire blog post...but decided against it. I don't have much to update, but I'll fill you in on the little I've got.

I, thankfully, had two interviews in the last week. They were both for receptionist/clerical work positions within (long) walking distance or a very short drive of my house. Nothing glamorous, but permanent positions, which is really what matters. I was really excited to get some call backs for those interviews. Almost every position I've applied for has been filled, or they're looking for someone more qualified for the position, or I don't hear back and they have no contact number available. Although nervous, I was ready for the interviews and had my fingers crossed. Both interviews were a little awkward, rather short and I have no idea what to really make of them. The first of the two started off by the interviewer sitting down and saying, "So, do you have any questions for me?" ....Um what? Don't you get paid to ask ME questions first? So I asked my questions, she asked about my previous job history, asked me salary expectations and that was basically it. Interview #2 was even more awkward. The interviewer asked how familiar I was with the company and the position, what I like to do in my free time, why they should hire me and if I had any questions for him. I was out of the office in ten minutes. Fifteen, tops, but that's pushing it.

I have been working the last two weeks, so at least I'm not completely bored out of my skull. The job that let me go called  me back for a two and a half week assignment. Since I had nothing better to do and needed any extra money I can get, I agreed to it. I was hired for a special project taking sample request calls. It's super easy and I actually really like comes the "but." But I'm not really taking those calls like they said I was supposed to. Conveniently, I wasn't taken off the diaper line, so I'm still taking the stressful, aggravating diaper calls all day. I'm the only one who was called back who hasn't been taken off the diapers line. It's actually even more stressful than it was before I was let go because it's so much busier. After letting go so many people, the hold times are astronomical and the volume is just nuts. So not only am I taking calls I hate, I'm taking about 65 of them a day. Swell.

That's all for now. Maybe some day I'll have something more interesting happen in my life to update you on. Until then, job searching will consume my soul.

*from Jane Addams

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