Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happiness is...

It is so easily to get caught up in the negative things in life, especially when you have a string of bad luck. My whole existence has always been focused on trying to stay positive no matter what the situation. Unfortunately, in the last year or two, I've really started to lose that quality in myself. And lately, I've been giving myself some mini reality checks that I still have so much to be happy about in my life. I've noticed that it truly is the simplest of things that can put me in a good mood or change my entire outlook on a day. So I've decided to share some of these simplistic miracles with you, my dear readers.

Happiness is...

  • Realizing you're grown up enough to be friends with your friends' parents
  • Playing with your favorite little munchkin
  • Getting complimented on your tattoos
  • Good morning, Beautiful texts
  • Someone else noticing you've lost weight
  • Freshly painted toenails (in your favorite heels, of course)
  • Finishing an incredibly well-written and suspenseful book
  • Eating a delicious meal
  • Hearing a great song for the first time on the radio
  • Man friend reaching his arm up for you to hold while he's on the ground and you're on an air mattress
  • Enjoying a bottle of wine with your best friend
  • Laughing with your friends until your gut hurts
  • The smell of an apple cinnamon candle burning
  • Getting a massage
  • Gaining a new follower on Twitter
  • Summer
  • Fitting perfectly in your man friend's arms
  • Having the satisfaction of knowing you're right
  • Getting mail that's not a bill, credit card application or other form of junk
  • Broken in Chuck Taylors
  • Watching a Packers game, particularly a Packer win
  • Finding a really great item on clearance


  1. You are so young to have that wisdom. Some people never ever realize how fortunate they are! Please continue to strive for perfection, but enjoy the whole experience!!! Wonder why I'm up at this hour? I have no idea, but I'm happy to have read your latest... love you!

  2. I totally agree about the mail! I love real mail!
