Sunday, June 10, 2012

One Fabulous Weekend

This past weekend was one of the best I've had in quite some time. It was one of those "I've barely had time to sit down, but I'm having so much fun it doesn't even matter" times.

My mom was home for my sister's graduation and stayed for the full weekend. I was able to hang out with her and her best friend one night and Man Friend and I took her to Hu Hot on her last night in town. She had never been before and I think she really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun hanging out with her, but I don't think it's really hit me that she won't be home again until Christmas time.

Friday my youngest sister had her graduation/end of the year party with a bunch of friends. I made her BLT dip and embarrassed her in front of her friends. She invited the boy she likes (well, now boyfriend since the party), one more thing I'm not sure how I feel about. As far as I'm concerned, she's too young for a boyfriend (nevermind I had been seeing a boy for a full year at this point in my life) but I'm more than ok with embarrassing her about it.

Saturday during the day was a little uneventful, but after taking Mom out to dinner, Man Friend and I had a bonfire at his place with some of his BFFs. It was the first time he had used the fire pit since moving in to the place, and the previous tenant left it a shithole. Everything from cans, bottles, wires and bolts were in that pit, among the massive amount of ash just sitting in there. After a little TLC, the pit was a little safer, less full and the fire worked much nicer. We sat around the fire drinking, enjoying the warm weather and, of course, talking about a zombie apocalypse. They always talk about what they would do to survive an apocalypse, and recently they've come to the conclusion that they will meet at Man Friend's dad's house in the event of an attack...because that's where the most guns are.

Sunday Man Friend and I spent the afternoon at the Wildlife Sanctuary. It was honestly one of the best dates we've ever had. I wish there were words to explain how much fun I had. It was the perfect day, too. Nice and hot, with a cool breeze, sunny and a mostly clear sky. We walked around for hours feeding the geese and ducks, looking through all the exhibits and walking the trails. We were there for a good two and a half hours, and every single minute of it was wonderful. Getting out of the house and doing something other than watching tv was much needed. Spending time alone and without our cell phones was so relaxing. That's exactly what being in a relationship should be and a reminder of what makes me love him so much.

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