Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sucky and Super Saturday

It's been quite some time since I've posted on this blog...I've been focusing much of my energy into becoming a foodie and updating my new blog, Learning to Cook. This edition of Sucky and Super spans a much larger time frame than the typical week.

This was left in our mailbox. My roomie drives a black car
and I drive a red one. We're left with solid neighbors.
  • I've developed a little bit of a cold, and in combination with allergies starting up early, it's made me rather miserable. Last Saturday was the worst: I was so stuffy I could barely breathe, and I'm about 95% sure my face nearly exploded. I actually had to go home early on St. Patty's day, it was so bad. I've had a difficult time talking on the phone all week at work, which makes my job a smidge difficult.
  • This week at work was terrible. Between people training in new areas, and people being on vacation, our phone staff was short at least six people on any given day all week. Six people may not seem like much, but it made us so wicked busy. Taking 75+ calls in a single day is terribly overwhelming. And of course, everyone was crabby as shit they had to wait on hold so long for someone to pick up. First of all, if you're waiting 10 minute to complain about your toilet paper, perhaps you have other issues to address. Second, have you ever waited on hold for a real problem, like a loan? It's way longer. Also, everyone just seemed to be extra nasty, no matter how nice or helpful I tried to be. Not to mention extra inappropriate comments. For the very first time, walking out actually crossed my mind.
  •  The only good neighbors we have moved out a week or two ago. Now we're stuck with the people who won't talk to us and the crazy guy we call White Trash. The real kicker? White Trash upped his crazy ante by shooting at a passing car. I'm almost positive he shot at his black neighbors, because they're you know, black. He managed to spend a whopping two days in jail before coming back home.
  • We've been having unseasonably nice weather and I love it! For about two weeks, it was at least 70 degrees every day. It even hit record highs in the 80s. Absolutely unheard of, but I'm not complaining. Not one bit.
  • St. Patty's was a fantastic day/night of friends, food and drinking. Since it was so nice out, we were able to spend the majority of the day hanging outside, enjoying the beautiful weather. My friends/the hosts of the party and I made tons of food, most of it St. Patty's day/alcohol themed, including green cupcakes with Bailey's frosting, beer brats, curry fries, beer and buffalo chicken strips, mint m&ms, beer dip and cheese and crackers. After it cooled off and got dark, we headed in for the night and rocked out to SingStar. 
  • I've really enjoyed learning to cook and becoming a bit of a foodie. Every Sunday I go grocery shopping for the week and make two to three recipes to last the week. It's been something I've really started to look forward to every week. Now I know why my mom always says it's a stress relief. I've been making tons of healthy recipes, or altering recipes to make them healthier. It's great knowing I can actually make food that tastes good, not to mention knowing exactly what I'm putting into my body.
  • Last Friday, my man friend spoiled me rotten, and we had the best date night we had had in months. I got surprised with flowers (my favorite color of course), and Ghirardeli chocolates to start the night. We ate at Red Lobster (which we actually planned together, so I was really looking forward to it) and I had the most delicious meal of lobster, mussels, oysters, shrimp and pasta and it lasted me a good two and a half meals. Yum! Then we ended the night with another surprise of going to see Dr. Seuss's The Lorax. Seriously, such a good movie. If you say otherwise, you're just an idiot who can't appreciate a solid piece of art. And I probably hate you anyway.
  • In combination with the nice weather, Day Light Savings Time means more hours of daylight each day. I've felt so much more motivated to get stuff done, don't feel quite as tired, and have been able to go on  nice long walks after work.

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