Wednesday, October 26, 2011

On a personal note...

Hello dear readers! It's been a while since I've had a "personal" entry not based around work, job searching or GNO (though the week 5 update is next), so I figured I'd give you some interesting tidbits, especially since my past weekend was jam-packed with parties.

Friday was a friend's 21st birthday. Said friend and I aren't very close friends, but I know him through my sister and man-friend. We went out, and as is typical on a 21st birthday, Friend was already smashed by the time I got out to the bars. He doesn't remember anything past getting Subway at 10:30, which always makes for a good time for everyone else out. Around midnight, I just got exhausted and wanted to go home. Somehow, I ended up bringing home a friend of a friend, whom I'd only met once prior. She hadn't asked for a ride, just somehow showed up at my car. Nothing aggravates me more than having to give people rides unexpectedly. If I know about it in advance, and if the ride is asked for, it's usually not a big deal. However, when it's just assumed I'll drive someone home it really grates on my nerves. I hate feeling like everyone's personal (free) taxi. Buuut I feel guilty if they don't have any other way home, and almost obligated to do it, knowing they need a safe ride. Begrudgingly, I brought her home.

Saturday was jam-packed. I hardly had a moment to myself, but it was a great day. In the early afternoon, I had a friend's baby shower. I was a little nervous at first. The only time I had ever been to the church it was held at was for a friend's funeral a few months ago. Pulling into the driveway was a little painful at first, but it was a lot of fun, great food, and a chance to catch up with some ladies who I don't talk to very often. We played Baby BINGO, a version I hadn't heard of. You start with a blank BINGO board and write in your own answers, all gifts you think the mom will get. As she's opening her presents, you mark off the items on your board. It was a great way to get the guests involved, and give everyone something to do while presents are opened, which is great for fidgeters like me.

Right after the shower I headed to my dad's for a family birthday party. My sister (14), stepbrother (12) and cousin (12) all have birthdays within a few days of each other, so the family celebrates them all at once. I'm really close with my family and always enjoy get-togethers. Apparently, my dad's coworker makes cakes on the side and baked each kid a personal cake. It was pretty cool. My sister is saving up for a laptop (seriously, how many 14 year olds do that?!) and just wanted money to go towards her computer. I didn't get her a present for either of her parties (one for mom's family, one for dad's) but told her I'd take her to Best Buy to go shopping. She has a $20 limit to pick out stuff for her computer. She's excited for free stuff and I'm excited to spend time with her. Win-win.

Saturday night I went to a costume party at one of my typical hang-out bars. I was expecting a lot of people to be there, as about 40 RSVPd yes on Facebook, and people had been talking about it for a while. I got there any only a few people actually came, and even fewer showed up in costume. It was a little uncomfortable being super dressed up in a short little pirate costume (pics to come soon!), feeling super sexy, and no one else dressed up. The two bartenders had sexy costumes and one girl who used to work there as well. Some of the guys were dressed up funny costumes, but I was definitely outnumbered. Whatever, I got the $15 all you can drink special for showing up in costume. I was kind of bummed that it had bombed so bad; I was really looking forward to seeing a bunch of people. But there was a band playing (and they're actually pretty good for a high school band. Check them out here) and I hung out with my cousin and man-friend and we had a really good time, considering.

Sunday I had a Packer party at my dad's house for the Packers vs. Vikings game. My dad lives only a few minutes away from the Stadium and has his garage entirely decked out in Packer decorations. He even painted the walls green and yellow and hung a stuffed lion, cabbage patch doll/viking and a bear from "nooses" aka his deer hooks. It's the perfect place to watch games. I've been planning this party for a long time and was really excited for it. I invited people on Facebook, and then texted all the maybes and not yet replied a few days before to see who was all coming. Unfortunately, a lot of people had prior plans. I was bummed, but I totally understand. If you made plans before,  you made plans before. Not a big deal. However, there were several people who said they were coming and didn't. It wasn't until I texted them right before the game that I found out they wouldn't be there. I was really hurt and disappointed after I made food and had been so excited for people to come over and watch the game. Logically I know I shouldn't have, but I took it a little personally. Luckily though, two friends and my cousin showed up. We ended up eating most of the food and the it was a pretty eventful game, so we all enjoyed ourselves. The Packers beat the Vikings 33-27, putting them at 7-0 for the season. Amazing.

Moral of the story: Even though I got a little grouchy a few times, I had a very successful weekend.

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