Saturday, August 10, 2013

If I Could Have a Super Ability

I'm sure everyone day dreamed as a child what kind of super power they wish they had. I am no different. Somehow, I haven't managed to shake this fantasy even though I'm, you know, 25. I'm not even ashamed to admit how much thought I've put into this.
Ok, getting doused in radio-active chemicals
would kind of suck too.  But who's counting?

Ever since watching Alex Mack, I've always wanted to be able to turn into a silver puddle of goo and slide all over the place. I'd even take plain old invisibility. I'm nosey as shit and I'd love to be able to eavesdrop on people all the time. Plus, if I was invisible, I could make stuff just fall over or fly through the air. I would particularly like to freak out the people I don't like. However, my eavesdropping would probably backfire and I'd hear something that I really wouldn't want to. I'd probably wind up really hurt or really angry with someone I wouldn't want to be. Ok, so scratch that.

I also think it would be pretty awesome to be able to fly. You can get anywhere super quickly. No waiting for traffic, no road rage, no spending gas. Plus, you can just freely float through the air like a boss. But what if I flew right into a bird? Like an eagle. That would be pretty intimidating. Or what if I got shot at by the military or some UFO-crazed lunatic? Or got swept away by some storm? Alright, I guess this needs to be scratched too.

The one thing I would really like isn't really a power persay, so much as it is just an ability. And this is my genius idea, so I don't want some whacko scientist taking it from me. If I see this in a sci-fi movie or some lab somewhere, I will find you and cut you. Anyway, I want to be able to push a button on your chest or wherever, and be able to suck a limb inside you (think retractable dog leash) until you need it again. So here's the deal. Every single time I am cuddling with Man Friend, the arm closest to him just gets all in the way. I never know where to comfortably put it. Even though I've been living with all of my limbs for the past 25 years, somehow I still haven't figured out how to control them. Also, I really like to sit pretzel-legged all the time or in my half moon chair from my dorm days. Unfortunately, this either puts too much pressure on my bad leg or said leg is pushed into the edges of my seat. If I could just suck it right in, the problem would be solved.

I'm pretty sure this is the most brilliant idea I've ever had. Now if only I could find someone to master this technology, I would be comfortable and filthy rich for the rest of my days.

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